Chapter 5 - Glowing Red Eyes

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Getting used to All Might being on his side again took some time. Both of them were awkward around each other as Izuku trained with One For All, wanting to know how much he'd be able to handle, where his current limits were. That in and of itself was nothing short of a miracle, because Izuku had received OFA again, even after everything that happened. Even after killing him, he still gave his power to him. Even with all the nightmares, the memories keeping both of them up at night. After everything, All Might still believed in him.

Kacchan was...managing, too. He trained with them, unable to be apart from Izuku for long periods of time. It had always been like that, ever since...the previous timeline. Katsuki just couldn't lose him, not again, and something about Izuku being alone with All Might spiked his anxiety in a way he wished it didn't. It's not like Izuku was any better on that front, so neither of them said anything about it, hoping it would pass with time.

"What percentage are you on now, you think?" All Might asked after Izuku threw a fridge on the pile of scrap metal. Sorting out the trash before clearing it from the beach was easier than simply trying to clear certain sections in one go. More organized, too, and easier to recycle afterwards.

"I think I can manage about five percent with full cowling right now," Izuku said. "If I use my shooting style on the exam, I should be good!"

"That's great news, my boy!" All Might smiled, flinching as an explosion resonated behind him. Katsuki was letting off steam on some of the non recyclable trash and Izuku hated how the sound of his quirk was setting All Might on edge. Part of him was glad his quirks weren't anything like One For All, back when he was a Nomu. "Bring young Bakugou over here, there's something I need to ask."

"Oh, uh, sure!" Izuku said, wiping off the dirt on his pants before jogging over to where Kacchan was, hearing him shout something along the lines of 'Die, you useless trash!'. At least some things never change... "Hey Kacchan! Got a minute?"

"What's up?" he asked, instantly stopping what he was doing in order to listen to Izuku. He'd never admit to being as attached as he was, didn't want anyone to point out how he always reacted to Izuku's voice no matter what. And Izuku himself didn't say anything about it, either, understanding more than anyone else what it was like to feel that way. To be scared of losing someone you love.

"All Might wants to talk to us," Izuku said, glancing at the pile of ash that had gathered in front of Kacchan. "You're really going at it, aren't you?"

"Didn't sleep well," was all Kacchan said before following the green head. It was all that needed to be said for Izuku to understand, so why bother trying to explain himself more? "What do you wanna talk about?"

"Ah, uhm, I was thinking of involving the school from the start this time around," Toshinori explained. "Meaning that I want to return the memories of the faculty, which, uh, includes Eraserhead."


Red eyes.



Izuku's breath hitched as he tried to shake the memories from his mind. From the way Katsuki instantly reached out to take his hand, he could tell he wasn't the only one struggling with what happened. Standing here, talking to All Might, was difficult. Uncomfortable. But meeting Eraserhead again, after all this time, after remembering the things he did- Not that Izuku blamed him. Someone needed to do it. He just hated that Aizawa sensei had been the one to take that responsibility.

"I want to make sure you two are okay with seeing him again," All Might continued, choosing his words carefully. "And I would really appreciate it if you two could accompany me to UA when I break the news."

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