Chapter 31 - What's in a Lie?

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Izuku ended up staying the night at the police station, giving them his statements about what happened and what he knew. Tsukauchi wasn't with him for all of it, giving him some breathing space to stretch and mold some of the facts without being called out on it. They also allowed him one phone call to his mother, who was worried sick. She was at the Bakugou's when Izuku called, probably seeking comfort and answers. Izuku wouldn't be surprised if auntie Mitsuki made a few angry calls, demanding to know where Izuku was and why they were containing him like some kind of criminal.

His release left him feeling queasy, though. Because both the police and the UA faculty now knew about his biological connection to All For One. And he felt bad throwing Aoyama under the bus like that... He was sure things would turn out for the better for the sweet french boy though. Izuku had tried to push redemption as much as he could, underlining the fact his family was being used and threatened. Plus, they could use him to misguide All For One. That might've been the factor that won the argument, but Izuku wouldn't know until school started up again.

"Come on, I'll drive you," Tsukauchi said. "To apologize for keeping you all night."

"It's okay," Izuku yawned, rubbing his eye as he trailed behind the detective. "Would be suspicious of me too if I was you, so."

"I'm glad you understand," he smiled, unlocking his car. He motioned Izuku to get in and they drove off a little later. Izuku directed him to the Bakugou household, since that's where his mom was at the moment. Besides, he really needed to talk to Kacchan. Izuku wanted to know what the ash blonde had told the police about him, since they seemed to know about his knowledge of the USJ attack as well as the training camp ambush. Sure, they hadn't brought it up until Izuku started talking, but still. They might as well have. It's really no wonder they thought he was the traitor with how much villain attacks he was in the know of...

"This is my stop," Izuku said, pointing at a house up ahead, the Bakugou household.

"This isn't where the officers picked you up," Tsukauchi said, frowning a bit. "I remember the address being-"

"It's a friend's house. My mom's there," Izuku explained. "So it's fine, isn't it? And uh thank you for bringing me, detective Tsukauchi. I hope everything will be resolved soon."

"It should be," he hummed. "But that's not something you should concern yourself with. Go and take a nap, Midoriya. I've kept you long enough."

Izuku gave him one last smile, waving as he drove off before walking up to the front door. He didn't have his key with him, so all he could do was ring the doorbell and hope someone came to answer. It was quite early in the morning, after all. Thinking about that, he glanced up at the sky, still filled with those pink and orange hues of the sunrise. Huh... He hadn't even realized when driving here. God, he must be more tired than he thought he was.

"Izuku-kun!" Mitsuki gasped as she opened the front door, having Izuku's eyes trail back to the woman in front of him.

"Hi auntie Mitsuki, I heard my mom-" Izuku started, only to be pulled inside. There was shrieking and hugging and before he knew it, Izuku got smothered by his crying mother.

"Izuku, my baby!"

"I'm okay mom, I'm fine, I promise," Izuku told her as he rubbed her back, allowing all her worry and relief to wash over him. Mitsuki and Masaru weren't much better, although they were more composed and angry, frustrated as well as relieved that Izuku was finally back. He could see Kacchan in the corner of his eye, too. Standing off to the side with a look Izuku couldn't decipher with just a glance alone. "Turns out they had more questions than I thought they'd have. I'm not in trouble or anything, though."

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