Chapter 6 - Reunited

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There was screaming. Rubble and fire and smoke. And screaming. So much screaming. Izuku could barely walk, blood seeping down his leg. He was barely able to open one of his eyes and he faintly remembered being hit in the head, so maybe the wetness underneath his hair was blood as well. His ears were ringing, too, but not enough to cover the screams, the crying. Because there was crying, right? A child was crying somewhere in this wasteland, and Izuku couldn't find them.

"It'll be one of the worst earthquakes the country has ever seen," someone said from next to him. "It's unfortunate you were caught in the middle of it."

Izuku blinked and suddenly his injuries were gone. The scene faded as he turned to face En, one of the previous holders of One For All. Right, this was a memory, a dream. A nightmare, really. It had been one of the tougher things Izuku had faced in his short hero career. A long term rescue and clean up mission. Being confronted with so many people he hadn't been able to save... It was the absolute worst. Natural disasters always are.

"Why am I here?" Izuku asked, looking down at his hands in order to check whether he had a full body.

"Your thoughts and memories resemble your state of mind," En told him. "So you tell me."

Izuku hummed, glancing up again, only to see En had vanished. His surroundings had turned to nothingness, a room filled with mist. Slowly, the darkness made way for light. Feeling returned to his body, and Izuku immediately noticed he was lying down. He blinked, slowly opening his eyes, staring up at a white ceiling. There was shuffling and footsteps, but it wasn't until someone touched him that Izuku registered the other presence in the room. Memories flooded his mind. Red eyes. Growling. And that voice... Aizawa's voice.

"Whoa there dearie, you're alright."

Izuku's eyes shot to Recovery Girl and then it clicked. He was in the nurse's office. He had a panic attack. Izuku took a shaky breath. Oh god, he never expected it would be that bad! All Might didn't seem to struggle so much so Izuku assumed he'd just have to push through the first meeting but this... Kacchan was right, he wasn't ready to- Izuku's eyes widened and darted around the room.

"Where is Kacchan?"

"Who?" Recovery Girl asked, confused, quickly interfering when Izuku wanted to get up. "Hold up! You're not going anywhere! I need to make sure you're okay before you can leave."

"I'm totally fine," Izuku said, getting up anyway by using the other side of the bed. "It was just a panic attack."

Just a panic attack, yeah right. A panic attack was never just a panic attack. There were triggers, terrible dark thoughts, an aftermath to deal with... He must've worried the others with the way he went down like that. All Might, Kacchan- He needed to find Kacchan, make sure he was okay, too.

"Where is the boy I came here with? Why isn't he in the nurse's office?" Izuku asked as he looked around, ignoring Recovery Girl's complaints and evading her staff when she came in to hit him. Instead he started describing Kacchan, as if that would give him the answers he wanted. "He's blonde, has red eyes, wearing a black skull shirt-"

His body tensed up when an explosion echoed through the building, making the floor shake a little. There were more explosions, smaller ones, more quiet, but Izuku could still hear them as he rushed out into the hallway.


Izuku was running through the halls before he even noticed his quirk activated, boosting his speed and movement. It felt like he was back in Hosu during that night, frantically searching for Tenya. Izuku could hear yelling and more explosions, louder this time. He was getting closer.

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