Chapter 47 - A Not-Date Date

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"They kidnapped my daughter! Why aren't you doing anything?!"

"Rest assured, my dear. My people are doing everything to track down this so-called Rabid Rabbit and bring our sweet little Eri back home," her father assured her. He couldn't help but feel this was his fault. That if he weren't the leader of today's yakuza, his daughter wouldn't have been robbed of her child. It had to be some sort of revenge plot, right? But who had he stabbed in the back recently? Who had the power and the guts to do something like this? And why hadn't they heard anything of this vigilante yet? They were getting paid by someone to do this, weren't they? Their employer must have some demands, something they want in exchange for his granddaughter.

"I don't feel safe in my own home anymore," she cried. "What if they come again? What if they take someone else? What if they take me?!"

"I won't let that happen," he stated, pulling her into a hug. "Your family is under my protection now, I won't let anything happen to you. And I swear upon the Shie Hassaikai name that we will retrieve your daughter and make that bastard pay."

The moment was disturbed by a knock on the door, followed by one of his subordinates entering the room. He had told them not to bother him while he was with his daughter! So why was this low ranking lackey shuffling into the room?!

"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, but-"

"This better be important," he grumbled, glaring at the newcomer. If not, he was going to have some serious words with some of the people around here. "Spit it out. What is it?"

"We have gathered new information regarding the vigilante's identity," they told him. A grin spread over his face at the news. They were finally getting somewhere! Good! Good! This was great news!

"Tell me everything."


"Let's make one thing very clear, alright? This ain't a date," Katsuki said as they sat down in the café of their choosing after ordering their drinks.

"It...isn't?" Izuku asked, confused. This felt very date-like to him, though.

"We're not getting back together," Kacchan continued, seeing Izuku's face fall. "I love you, but I don't trust you. So until you learn how to take care of yourself like the goddamn adult you are and fucking communicate to others when you need help, I'm not even thinking about it."

"That's...fair, I guess," Izuku mumbled. He'd really hoped everything would magically resolve itself. That after this, they'd be together again. That he could hold his hand and kiss his cheek and call him his boyfriend. Guess that had been wishful thinking on his part...

"We've taken a break before, right? And that worked out for us," Katsuki pointed out. Yeah, that was true. Although, back then, Kacchan had been the one with unhealthy coping mechanisms. Now their roles were reversed. "This is for the best, Izuku, trust me."

"If you say so," Izuku shrugged, looking up as their drinks arrived. They'd chosen a hero themed café, so of course he had to order the All Might Special. It was super delicious too. Kacchan had gone for something more neutral, not liking most super extravagant drinks. "I trust you."

"Good," Katsuki said, taking a sip from his drink before looking him in the eye. "So when are we meeting Eraserhead? I can throw a vigilante outfit together if it's needed."

"You? A vigilante?" Izuku snorted. The idea alone was ridiculous. Izuku could never see Kacchan become a vigilante, let alone disguise himself as one. "Come on Kacchan, you always abide by the law. If it can stain your record, you're always fussy about it."

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