Chapter 10 - Games and Comic books

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Shouta knew it would be...taxing. Knew the whole fight at the USJ had left scars deeper than he liked to admit. He hadn't expected it to be as hard as it was. His job was simply to keep his eyes on Kurogiri- Shirakumo so the League wouldn't be able to escape once the dome was put under lock down. All Might would fight the Nomu while the other heroes dealt with the other small fry. Everything went according to plan, that wasn't what had been hard. No, it had been the fact he needed to look at Kurogiri, his old friend, knowing he was still himself under all of that.

He'd always known, he supposed. It was evident in their original lives that part of Oboro lingered within him, but it was faint and hidden. Enough for Shouta to deem him gone. Yet his students, the Nomu that attacked this place in another timeline, in other circumstances, they'd been conscious. Not fully, not in a way that mattered in that moment, but they were conscious enough, and that hurt Aizawa more than he liked to admit.

Luckily it was all over now and Kurogiri was locked away in quirk erasure cuffs, just as the other Nomu and Shigaraki, who'd been throwing a temper tantrum this whole time. He suspected that's why Midoriya was here in the teacher's lounge after school, standing nervously at the door without looking Aizawa's way. Shouta didn't blame him, not with his underlying trauma. The fact he was here at all, knowing Shouta would be here, was already quite impressive. All Might was right, Midoriya was making a lot of progress in a short period of time.

"So, uhm, the USJ... How did it go?" he asked.

"As expected," Midnight said, walking up to him. "We're giving all of you the mission report tomorrow, so don't worry! Say, where is Bakugou? I thought the two of you were inseparable these days?"

"Oh, uh, he's- He's hanging out with his squad," Izuku said, forcing a smile. "This is- I, uh, I have a request."

Yep, this was what Shouta had been expecting. He wasn't surprised that Bakugou wanted nothing to do with it, opting to spend his time elsewhere while Midoriya was doing what he did best: trying to befriend every single moving creature in the near vicinity. Falling in his trap was inevitable, really. There was no escaping the bright ray of sunshine that was Izuku Midoriya. Not even for villains, not even for Shigaraki, definitely not in his current state.

"Shigaraki is being kept in isolation," Midnight said, also knowing why Midoriya came here. Every teacher knew, or, well, expected it. Why else would he show up today of all days? "The Hero Commission is making room for him. He'll be transported out of here first thing in the morning."

"Alright," Izuku nodded. "So a couple of hours is all I get, then?"

"You're a smart fella!" Midnight grinned. "Remember, we never gave you permission, got it? If you trigger any alarms, that's on you."

"Okay," Izuku nodded, now smiling. "Thank you!"

Shouta watched him go, sighing as he put his coffee down.

"Someone should probably go with him to keep an eye on things."

"Shigaraki is bound to quirk erasure cuffs and behind quirk proof glass," Midnight stated. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

"You're just worried about one of your favorites~" Mic teased. So what if he was? It still wasn't responsible to leave a child with a future mass murderer, even if he was in chains. Well, Midoriya wasn't a child, though, not mentally at least. That didn't mean Aizawa wouldn't worry, though.

"Where is All Might?" he asked instead, ignoring Present Mic's teasing. If anyone could get away with staring at the interaction between Midoriya and Shigaraki from behind the blinded bullet proof glass, it would be him.

"Nezu took him to his office a little while back," Cementos replied. "I think they're talking about professional therapy."

Ah yes, All Might had refused UA's offer to see a counselor. Both Midoriya and Bakugou were semi-obligated to see one in order to even start the hero course, but All Might had assured them things were fine and that he could process things on his own. Shouta hadn't been watching him during the attack, but he was sure he must've given some clear signs he was not actually processing any of this. Maybe asking him to supervise Midoriya wasn't ideal, after all.

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