Chapter 32 - Blind Panic

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Uncle Masaru ended up helping Izuku move into the dorms since he had a big car and was driving there for Kacchan anyway. The ash blonde was acting more normal nowadays, too. Sure, he was still somewhat skittish whenever Izuku showed him affection, and he still asked about the future every now and again. Izuku would indulge him sometimes, watching his face contort in a scowl or morph into a surprised blushing mess. Yeah, things were good between them. Simple. Izuku didn't regret not giving him his memories back, not if they could stay like they were now. Which...was kinda selfish of him, wasn't it?

But things were good. They were simple. At least between them, because Izuku had to have several awkward appointments at UA after the police investigation and interrogation. They wanted to take certain measures, make sure Izuku wasn't communicating with his father in any way possible. They also wanted to pick at his brain, to get as much intel on the super villain as possible. Throwing his sensitive family drama on the table like that wasn't easy, though, and Izuku didn't know how much knowledge he could get away with without them suspecting him again.

"I'm sure all the teachers hate me," Izuku whined as he walked over campus with Kacchan. They'd just said their goodbyes to their parents, with the necessary tears from his mother, and were now making their way over to their respective dormitories for the official opening of the dorm system. Katsuki had asked him whether he was ready for the new semester and Izuku couldn't help but complain about everything that was going on. "Or they're at least going to treat me differently."

"I'm sure you're just overthinking, like always," Katsuki snorted.

"I'm the son of this era's greatest villain," Izuku deadpanned, glad he told Kacchan about that tidbit after the blonde kept nagging him about what he told the police. Katsuki had...reacted as Izuku expected. But like he said, things were good between them now. Simple. And Izuku wished it would forever stay that way. "That's not something UA can just glance over."

"Nobody is glancing over your fucked up heritage, Izuku," Katsuki sighed, his hand brushing with his for a moment. "But you're your own damn person, aren't you? You're nothing like that asshole and if the teachers don't see that, they're fucking blind."

"I know... Thanks Kacchan," Izuku smiled, intertwining their pinkies as they walked. "I hope you're right."

"Tch, I'm always right," he scoffed, acting as if he was offended when he was actually grinning. Izuku rolled his eyes, looking ahead to see his turn was coming up.

"You need to go right if you want to get to your dorm, but I'm going to go on ahead since mine is further away," Izuku said, pulling his hand away from his. "Oh, and uh, don't be surprised if Aoyama-kun isn't here today."

"Sparkles? Why?" Katsuki frowned. Izuku sighed and gave him a look, as if Kacchan was supposed to understand that as a valid answer. His Kacchan could read him like an open book, so he got used to only needing a glance to get confirmation of his thoughts. This wasn't his Kacchan, though.

"Does the word traitor ring a bell to you?" Izuku asked, watching Katsuki's eyes grow bigger. "Don't blame him for it though, okay? He was born quirkless and his parents just wanted what was best for him. They're indebted to a man who threatens to kill them if they don't do what he asks for. In a way, he's just like me."

Katsuki scoffed, as if wanting to deny it, only to reconsider arguing with Izuku right now.

"Fine, I won't blast his damn face off," he huffed.

"That's all I ask for," Izuku smiled, leaning in to peck a kiss on his cheek. "Oh, and good luck with the best room competition! Don't let Sato-kun win again!"

He knew Kacchan had no idea what he was talking about, but he was sure he got the gist of it. And so their paths split apart, each of them going their own way for now. Izuku was sure Kacchan would be busy, even before school started. They still had a week to go but the first year hero course classes were sure to be practicing their ultimate moves, leaving little to no time for them to hang out with someone from the support course. It wasn't a big deal though. Izuku could handle himself! Besides, he was sure UA would keep him busy in other ways this coming week...

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