Chapter 11 - Transportation Trouble

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The Hero Commission was still going to move Shigaraki to a more secure location, even after Izuku talked in on him, even after UA suggested they'd keep him under their supervision. Nezu had assured him he'd find a way for Izuku to continue visiting him, to continue talking to him until they worked something out with the board of directors. But until then, there was nothing Izuku could do but watch as the blue haired man was escorted to a heavily armored van at the dawn of a new day. Kacchan was there with him, holding his hand as they watched their nemesis get taken into custody. It was only a small comfort.

"He'll be fine, Izuku," Katsuki told him. "You can't expect the commission to just turn a blind eye towards the fucker that broke into one of the most prestigious hero schools of the country."

"I know," Izuku sighed. "I was just hoping he could've stayed here, like last time."

Katsuki simply squeezed his hand, offering comfort the only way he knew how. Through action. Still, it didn't make up for the look Shigaraki gave him in the brief moment they managed to make eye contact. Izuku looked away immediately, unable to take the betrayal, the anger. He was frustrated too, you know? He didn't want this to happen, either. Maybe if they'd told the commission about the future, about what they knew, they would've reacted differently. But they didn't. And so Izuku couldn't do anything but watch.

That is, until the earth started to shake, cracking open as it rumbled. Izuku stumbled and fell, taking Kacchan down with him. There was shouting, but Izuku couldn't understand what they were yelling about, not after the big blast went off and smoke and dust rushed past him, forcing the debris to cut into his skin. Izuku blinked, coughing as he crawled back up. Kacchan shielded him from the worst of it, but that just meant the ash blonde was hurt more. He had a large cut on his side, running all the way from his rib cage to his abdomen. If the dust settled in there, it could get infected.

His ears were still ringing when he ripped his shirt, unable to hear Katsuki's complaints as he wrapped up his wound. He shouldn't move around too much with a gash like that, that would only make the bleeding worse. Just as he was about to tell him that, the earth shook again, and Izuku grasped for the nearest rock to somewhat keep his balance even if he was still just sitting on his knees.

"We need to find out what's happening," Katsuki said, squinting in the direction of the commotion.

"You shouldn't move," Izuku told him, earning a glare from his boyfriend.

"You're one to talk, Deku," he grumbled, forcing himself up with the necessary wince. "Come on, let's get going."

Before they could get anywhere, a roar screeched through the air, making them freeze up. Izuku recognized that sound better than anything else. And if he was right about that, than that would mean-

"Did you really think you could just capture my successor and get away with it? You're more naive than I thought, All Might."

Izuku's breath hitched, his muscles tensing up at the sound of his voice alone. Kacchan let out something akin to a low growl, something he seemed to do subconsciously whenever he felt threatened, an instinct that had remained from their time as Nomu. This whole situation was just great, wasn't it? Of course All For One wasn't going to let them lock Shigaraki up for long. Of course he was going to use Nomu to deal with the actual dirty work while he spouted his usual bullshit.

They should've seen this coming, really. Should've known he would interfere the moment they tried to transport him somewhere else. But they didn't and now Izuku couldn't move, totally petrified by the noises alone. He hadn't even seen anything yet, the low hanging dust still clearing out, still covering up both him and Kacchan. For now. It wouldn't shield them much longer. They needed to move, get away or get involved, just something. Izuku's mind was in shambles. Couldn't think, couldn't react. He just...froze up, completely helpless.

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