Chapter 30 - Surprise Interrogation

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The whole aftermath of the Kamino fight was a blur. All Might's retirement hit the world by storm and Izuku once again shut himself off from any form of media or news outlet. He hadn't seen any of the footage, but he knew they weren't in any of it, luckily. Knew the media would be banging down his door if that was the case. Their rescue mission wasn't the focus of that battle, after all. But that didn't mean the squad didn't have questions for him. Izuku had seen it in their eyes as they delivered Shinsou to the police. He'd seen it and he'd ignored it, running away from his problems like he always did. Suppressing them into this neat little box he could shove to the back of his mind so he could act like nothing was wrong.

By now they'd all received a notice from UA, talking about the new state of the art dormitory system and parental approval. There was supposed to be this online info moment for parents to ask questions and all they had to do was sign the approval form digitally before sending it to a designated email address. Izuku once again felt how privileged the hero course was, where each student was visited individually by their teachers to ask for their parents' trust. It was a necessity, since it was the hero course that was always under fire, but still. It still felt unfair, in a way.

It wasn't until the police showed up at their doorstep that Izuku knew something was wrong. That he'd fallen into a fake sense of security as he ignored the world and became bitter about not being part of the hero course, about not being able to talk about this with people he saw as his friends. Izuku thought this would all pass. That it would blow over like it always did. Sure, they were at Kamino, but UA never sold them out before, not in any timeline Izuku could remember. Aizawa reprimanded them for it, and they got a pretty stern talking to, but that was it. The all ends well, is well mentality Izuku had known for years, decades. What changed..?

"Izuku Midoriya?" the police officer asked as he opened the door, making him nod. "Could you come to the station with us? We'd like to ask a few questions regarding your whereabouts during the Kamino Ward incident."

Izuku could hear his mom gasp behind him, turning around to give her a comforting smile as the officer continued.

"We'd rather have you come willingly, but we won't hesitate to restrain you if you resist."

"It's okay," Izuku assured them, looking back at the police. "Let me put on my shoes and get a jacket, okay?"

The door stayed open as Izuku stepped back, crouching down to take his signature red shoes.

"Izuku, what's going on?" Inko asked, clearly worried, before looking at the officers. "Why are you taking my son in for questioning? He's got nothing to do with-"

"That's for us to decide, Mrs Midoriya."

"It's alright mom," Izuku smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder, trailing down to rub her back. "I... I haven't been completely honest with you. But I'll tell you everything once I'm back home, okay? I promise."

With that he took his jacket, pulling it on while he stepped out the door.

"I'll be back before you know it," Izuku told her. "Love you, mom."

"Love you too, Izuku," Inko stammered out, still confused and worried as the door shut. Izuku was guided to a police car shortly after, a tad bit surprised they were driving with the sirens on. This wasn't an emergency transport, was it? Izuku wasn't a criminal- Well, technically he interfered with a villain takedown, but still. He didn't make a fuss as they guided him into the station, nor when he noticed people around them staring as they passed by. People probably recognized him from the sportsfestival, he left quite a mark on the world with that feat.

"Uhm, I don't think those are necessary," Izuku said as they walked into an interrogation room and the officers pulled out the quirk erasure cuffs.

"It's standard procedure," the one with the cuffs said as he approached. Izuku could tell the other one was on guard, as if they expected Izuku to retaliate.

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