Chapter 54 - Collaboration

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When Izuku got back to the surface, he noticed a distinct lack of police officers. Normally they'd be on stand-by at the end of a raid to take care of any captured villains, you know, to properly arrest them and take them away. But now it was just them, a bunch of middle schoolers, and a handful of pro heroes. Eraserhead, Present Mic and All Might were there to greet him, the first two taking care of the apprehended villains as well.

"I'm glad you are alright, my boy," All Might smiled as he grabbed Izuku's shoulders, pulling him into a hug. "It feels good to be whole again."

Of course, he felt it too. Izuku nodded as he hugged back, their bond stronger than ever now that One For All was together again. It wasn't hard to imagine how Tomura must've felt, back then. When he received All For One and became one with his sensei. Having to fight a connection this strong, pushing him out of his mind constantly in order to be his own person- It must've been tiring. Izuku was glad he could trust his mentor with his thoughts. That he was safe and cared for and didn't need to fear anyone trying to take over his body.

"Come on, we don't have long before people are gonna start asking questions," Aizawa said.

"This isn't an official raid, is it?" Izuku asked as he pulled back. "You didn't tell the Hero Commission or the police about this."

"That's because our goal isn't to take them down."

Izuku's eyes widened as he turned around to face Kacchan.

"We thought about what you said. About the fact we've always tried to destroy them and always failed," he continued. "So All Might came up with a new plan. This whole shitshow was his idea."

"Ah, well, no need to give me all the credit," Toshinori chuckled. "Most of it came from young Midoriya's subconscious."

"What?" Izuku asked. This... This was his plan?

"Come on, we'll fill you in on the way," Kacchan said, taking his hand. Okay, that was new. Not that Izuku was going to complain. "You're gonna like it."


So apparently the goal of this operation was collaboration. Izuku had to hear both Kacchan's and All Might's thoughts and memories in order to believe it. But this was really happening. They were going to try and make peace with Jikan, the same people that had been making their lives so incredibly difficult for ages. They were going to suggest cooperation. Talk some sense into them, make them see their point of view and have them help restore everything to how it was supposed to be. Izuku had to admit it was a reach, and he didn't know whether it would succeed, but it did sound like something he would've come up with.

"Ready to see her?" Shouta asked as they stood in front of an armored door. They were keeping Jikan's members locked up in a couple of rooms within the facility. It was easier to cover up their operation when no one could see something was amiss from the outside, after all.

"Open up the door," Toshinori said with the confidence of a number one hero. Izuku knew better, though. Could feel his insecurities and stress buzzing under his skin. It was too late for doubts though. They had to go through with this and hope they could make it work. And by the looks of it, Kohaku was going to make things difficult for them.

"I should've never trusted you," she hissed, glaring at Izuku. "You manipulative son of a bitch!"

"Please refrain from talking about Mrs Midoriya that way," All Might said as he sat down in front of her. Izuku lingered by the door a bit longer, taking in the sight in front of him. Kohaku was cuffed to the table with quirk erasure handcuffs. Her legs were tied to the chair as well, so that meant she'd already tried to escape, huh?

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