Chapter 45 - Rescue Mission

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Today was the day. Inko was working late and Eri's parents were as well. They had one of their mothers babysit, like usual, but she had the tendency to fall asleep on the job. It was something Izuku took note of during his...research. Yeah, it was research, not stalking! No matter how much Eraserhead tried to phrase it that way. No matter, tonight was the night. Everything lined up perfectly! If they were going to kidnap this child, now was the moment to do it.

"Do you have everything taken care of back home?" Aizawa asked as they met up at their usual spot.

"Yep! Have you?" Izuku asked. Aizawa grumbled, still a bit reluctant about that part. I mean, someone had to take care of Eri after this, right? And Izuku couldn't exactly show up home with a baby in his arms- His mom would freak out! It was a problem he hadn't found a good solution to before he teamed up with Eraserhead, something that was giving him a headache trying to figure out. But now that he had an adult helping him, taking care of a toddler should be no problem!

"It's a temporary solution, remember that," Eraser told him. "Once she gets her quirk and learns how to control it, we're finding her a suitable family."

"Sure thing," Izuku smiled, knowing fully well this man would never be able to let her go again. Taking in strays was his whole thing, after all. Troubled teens, traumatized kids, it didn't matter. Hell, there was a reason he was working with Izuku right now and it wasn't just because he could see into the future, he was sure of it. "Let's save her first though, okay? Granny should be asleep by now so we can slip in through the window and take her from her bed no problem!"

"Why do I feel like there will be problems..?" Aizawa sighed as Izuku shrugged, securing his mask before powering up his quirk and jumping off the building. He'll always be a problem child, so that can't really be avoided. But like he said, the timing was perfect! There was no way something would go wrong.

Of course, by saying that, he totally jinxed them.

Because Granny wasn't sleeping as they snuck into the apartment through the living room window. She was awake in front of the tv and spotted them almost right away. There was screaming and shouting and a lot of stuff fell on the ground as she used her quirk to defend herself. Aizawa neutralized her, wrapping her up in his capture tape, glad he hadn't worn his actual hero outfit for this mission. If it got out that Eraserhead helped kidnap a child... Yeah, that wouldn't be good. Meanwhile Izuku barged into the nursery, seeing Eri had woken up from all the commotion, staring wide eyed at the intruder.

"Hey there Eri," Izuku smiled, picking her up from her bed. "Wanna feel what flying feels like?"

She was confused, but giggled anyway. At least she wasn't crying, right? That changed when he headed back to the living room, where Granny was still trashing and shouting and oh god the neighbors were definitely hearing this.

"Let's get out of here before someone else shows up," Aizawa said, urging him to the open window as Eri started bawling her eyes out, crying and wiggling in his hold, trying to escape. Izuku tried to shush her but it took a while. Jumping and flying around didn't seem to be helping, either. No, wait, actually, it was kinda calming her down once he turned her so she could look around. The motions lulled her back to sleep somehow, her eyes drooping by the time they slid into Aizawa sensei's apartment.

"We did it!" Izuku cheered, making sure to keep his voice quiet enough as to not disturb the sleeping girl. "It was a bit of a mess, but we did it, Eraserhead! I actually saved her!"

Izuku's smile fell when he noticed the odd look on Aizawa's face. He was never one to show much emotion, not unless you were someone close to him, someone he cared about. And Izuku did not fall in that category, not in this life, so why... Why was he looking at him like that..? Eyes full of sorrow and worry and pain... As if-

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