Chapter 36 - Regarding my Quirk

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Izuku tensed up when he returned to his office after lunch and found both Nezu and All Might looking over his notes. All Might being in his true form, making Izuku wonder whether he'll keep that secret hidden from him until after the Kamino Ward incident. Still, Izuku had no idea why Nezu brought him here. God, he really hoped he didn't get in trouble on his very first day.

"Ah, here he is," Nezu smiled, waving him over. Izuku gulped before making his way over, seeing they were looking through his report. "I read your rapport and I must say, I'm fascinated! That's why I called Yagi here."

"So I was right, this is his file," Izuku stated, glancing at All Might. "I... I'm not sure what you've been through, or how you sustained your injuries, but-"

"There is no need to pity me, young Midoriya," All Might assured him. "I chose this profession and all its risks, and I know what more I can handle."

"And I'm sure he'll be able to handle even more if he follows your guidelines!" Nezu added. "You went beyond my expectations, Midoriya. Truly plus ultra!"

"T-thank you, sir!" Izuku sputtered out, feeling his face flush red. Nezu rarely praised anyone, so Izuku wasn't used to it. It made him feel bad for lying about who he truly was.

"And I hope you'll stick to them, too," the rat bear continued, now looking at All Might. "I'm serious. Take care of yourself."

"I will, I promise," All Might assured him, although part of Izuku doubted he'd actually follow through. They were the same in that aspect. Both of them had difficulty listening to others' advice and taking care of both their physical and mental health. Izuku bit the inside of his cheeks at the thought. At least All Might was getting advice...

"I'd like you to follow up on him," Nezu said, directing himself to Izuku again. "Monthly appointments to assess his health. I'll contact Recovery Girl to help arrange it."

"What? Nezu, that's not-"

"You wouldn't want to compromise this boy's education, would you?" Nezu asked. Oh, he had All Might exactly where he wanted him and they all knew it.

"...Of course," he said, forcing a smile. "For young Midoriya's education, then."

"Great! Glad that's all taken care of," Nezu smiled, getting up from his chair. "Congratulations on passing for your first assignment with flying colors, Midoriya!"

"Thank you, sir!" Izuku answered, a little more composed than before. "What are my tasks for this afternoon?"

"I'll mail you some documents to go through," Nezu told him. "Quirk law and governmental plans regarding quirk regulation. I want you to read through it and we'll discuss its contents tomorrow morning."

Izuku nodded, sitting down behind his desk as All Might followed the principal out, relieved that everything went well. Now all he had to do was keep up the good work while doing his own research into time regulating quirks.


Time seemed to fly by and before Izuku realized it, Kacchan entered UA as well. Izuku introduced him to Mirio, Neijire and Tamaki, who were third years now and well on their way to be called the UA big three. They'd stuck around Izuku despite their different interests and the notable age gap, Mirio more so than the others. Katsuki had bitched about it at first, saying they were only hanging out with a middle schooler for Izuku's analytical skills, but he knew that wasn't the case. Izuku knew these people, knew Mirio, and he knew they'd never hold any ill intent towards him.

It didn't take long for the League to break into UA. Izuku pretty much watched Aoyama take their teacher's schedules, simply letting him get away with it. He watched Kacchan leave for the USJ, too. Handing him his latest analysis that was supposed to help him with rescue training, as if they were actually going to practice saving people that day. No, class 1-A came back battered and beaten, and Aizawa sensei was brought straight to Recovery Girl with some serious injuries. Izuku didn't see him, not wanting to see how much worse it was now that he wasn't there to help him.

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