Chapter 46 - Awaking Dreams

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Okay, this was new. Katsuki had never actually experienced an One For All dream before. Not unless he was lying next to Izuku, at least. But he was pretty sure he went to bed alone last night, and yet, somehow, he was here, sitting in an uncomfortable tall chair. His limbs were wispy, hard to see, to control, and his voice sounded warbled, as though he was speaking through something thicker than air. The other vestiges seemed to notice something was off about him, but they didn't say anything, not as long as Izuku was standing in front of them.

"This is an absolute disaster," he cried. Katsuki already knew what he was talking about, memories of the evening crossing his mind. They weren't his own, and it felt weird. He felt like he should be more freaked out about this than he was, but then again, something like this had always been a possibility. Didn't mean he had to like being sucked into Deku's consciousness though.

"You're overreacting," Nana assured him.

"It's for the best Eraserhead is in the know in this situation," Second added. "He'll be able to take better care of Eri and we won't have to worry he'll betray us."

"He's going to tell everyone," Izuku stammered, pulling his hair. "He's going to make them remember and they're going to be so mad and disappointed and- And I can't look at Kacchan! I can't face him without having accomplished anything!"

Katsuki scowled, glaring at the green head, feeling his emotions waft off him in waves. So this is what his other self meant when he said Izuku was heartbroken... Katsuki could feel his anxiety spike at the thought of having to talk to him, could feel the emotional turmoil, could see bits and pieces of their argument flash through his mind. Izuku was scared of another rejection. Fuck.

"I haven't changed! I'm still so selfish and Kacchan- Kacchan will never look at me the same again," he sobbed. "I can't... I can't let him remember. I wouldn't be able to take it. I wouldn't be able to look at him if he stared back at me with those- those eyes-"

The hell was that supposed to mean?! Katsuki yelped and turned to glare at Nana when she hit him. She eyed the green head, unspoken words hanging in the air between them. Comfort him. Tch. Fuck. Fine! Whatever.

"It's not gonna be as bad as you think it is, Izuku," Katsuki told him, watching his ex stiffen at his voice, his eyes anywhere but the ash blonde. "I'm fucking pissed, sure, but can you blame me? You crossed a fucking line. One I thought you'd never cross. I should've known though, this is how you've always been."

"You... Kacchan will never take me back," he choked out. "He's finally got enough of my bullshit... I've put him through so much and I took it all for granted and now- Now he's gone and I can't- I love him so much!"

"I love you, too," Katsuki mumbled, rising from his chair. Seeing Izuku like this was too much. Feeling what he felt, knowing he was the cause of this shit storm- It didn't sit well with him.

"You don't know anything!" Izuku exclaimed, making him freeze in place. "You're not him so stop acting like you are! Stop pretending like you know how he feels! Just- Just go away!"

Before he knew what hit him, he shot up in his bed, gasping for air. His heart was hammering in his chest, sweat rolling down his back, making him shiver.

"Fuck," he breathed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes, trying to calm down. Izuku had forced him out of his dream, had sent him flying back to his own body. God, it felt awful... Would Izuku know? Would he realize it was him? He hoped not. He hoped he could just forget about it all and move on. Hoped he'd never be sucked into another dream again. But he knew that was wishful thinking. They were connected in a way that couldn't be undone, and a part of Katsuki didn't really mind all that much. At least now he felt like he could finally understand him in a way he hadn't been able to before.

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