Chapter 21 - How Do You Know?

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Izuku couldn't help but flinch and tense up when the alarm was triggered during their lunch a few days later. Some of the other hero and support course students were sitting with him and Kacchan, even though Kacchan still refused to call any of them friends. He instantly reached for Katsuki's arm, holding him still as the alarm blared across the cafeteria, making a lot of the students panic.

"It's okay, it's a false alarm," Izuku told him. They didn't need to know about Aoyama, didn't need to know he was stealing sensitive UA intel. Izuku wasn't supposed to know about it, he was supposed to be an ordinary support course student and he'll make sure the timeline continues the way it should. To deter Jikan and possibly unwanted consequences.

"How do you know that?" Katsuki asked, frowning.

"The press were hoarding the school gate this morning, remember? Some of them must've gotten in," Izuku said, scratching his chin as he tried to come up with a believable excuse. "I mean... There's no way someone else would get into UA, right?"

He could tell Kacchan didn't believe him for a second, but Kirishima had already gotten up and ran over to the nearest window in order to check whether it was true or not.

"He's right! The gate is open, look!" he called out. They weren't the only students who heard, but that didn't mean word of the false alarm spread as fast as Izuku would've liked. Things were seriously spiraling out of control in the hallway...

"We need to calm them down before-" Izuku started, only to get interrupted by an explosion.

"ALL OF YOU EXTRAS SHUT THE FUCK UP! IT'S JUST THE DAMN MEDIA!" Katsuki screamed while unleashing some smaller blasts, successfully earning everyone's attention from atop a table. "SO STOP PANICKING LIKE FUCKING LOSERS AND GET YOUR ASSSES CALMED THE FUCK DOWN OR I'LL BLAST YOU IN A SEAT MYSELF!"

"Geez... You didn't have to be so violent about it..." Kaminari mumbled.

"It adds to his flair," Izuku smiled. "And he did it! Look, people are calming down!"

"You sure have exciting friends, Midoriya," Hatsume laughed. "Mister anger issues got spirit!"

"I don't have anger issues!" Kacchan snapped, marching towards the pink haired girl, only for Izuku to step in between them.

"That was amazing, Kacchan!" Izuku beamed. "You took control of the situation just like that! Like a real hero!"

"Tch. I am a real hero, damn Deku, and don't you forget it," Katsuki stated, jabbing at his chest. He was grinning, though, so Izuku knew he was quite pleased with himself. Normally Tenya would do crowd control but...well, guess this wouldn't affect things too much, right?


"You're... You're class president?" Izuku squeaked.

"Don't sound too surprised, asshole," Katsuki scoffed. Kacchan. Class president. Oh my god. Okay, maybe letting him interfere during the alarm had been a mistake. Maybe, because, well, Kacchan would've actually made a decent class president. Most of 1-A would've when given the chance, Izuku was sure. Besides, this could be written off as the chance theory, right? Jikan must take those variations into account! "What? You don't think I can do it?"

"Of course you can! Kacchan is amazing, he can do anything!" Izuku said quickly. "It's just...unexpected, I guess? I didn't think your classmates would nominate you with your, uh, reputation."

"Tch, well, not everyone is happy about it but I don't fucking care," Katsuki huffed, putting his hands in his pockets. "It's all due to that false alarm, anyway. Otherwise I bet ponytail would've gotten first place."

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