Chapter 12 - A loop is Circular

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Katsuki didn't know why Deku had bothered coming over. His birthday party had been yesterday and he wasn't invited. His mom had nagged him about it but ultimately gave in to his demands. But now that dumb Deku was standing at his door, a present in his hands, looking super nervous. And of course his parents had let him in with happy smiles and now Katsuki was forced to accept whatever crappy gift that nerd got for him. They weren't even friends anymore, so he really didn't know why he even put this much effort in.

What? He thinks he's better than Katsuki or something? Rub it in his face how good he was even if Katsuki was being mean to him. Ugh. This guy, I swear-

"Happy birthday, Kacchan," Izuku smiled, holding out the box with trembling hands. "I, uh, I know you didn't want me to, but uh, I got you...something. Ten is a big number, you know! I hope you're not too mad."

Katsuki huffed, pulling the box from his hands and ripping open the paper wrapping. Don't be too mad, ha, as if! This better be the best gift he'd ever been given or else he'll- Katsuki frowned when he looked inside the box, seeing one of Deku's nerd books inside. It looked a little different from the other ones, because this one was white instead of those standardized grainy lines that normally covered the front. It didn't have that little line box in the corner either, you know, the place where you write your name and stuff. Instead it had some kind of symbol drawn on top of it, which Deku had obviously done himself.

"There's something inside," Izuku said quickly, scared Kacchan would just blow it up or throw it away without knowing why Izuku had given it to him. Katsuki frowned, opening the book just so Deku wouldn't whine about it later, taking out the folded piece of paper that was stuck behind the first page. Assembly, that's what Deku had written in the middle of that first page. That sounded...oddly familiar, somehow. Katsuki didn't bother trying to figure it out, though, slamming the book shut before unfolding the note.

Please don't take this the wrong way, Kacchan.

If you really wanna be a hero, go take a swan dive off the roof and pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life.

Katsuki blinked, looking up at Izuku, who was staring resolutely to the ground, avoiding eye contact at all cost. This guy- This fucking guy-

"I fucking hate you."

"I'm sorry, Kacchan," Izuku mumbled, still not looking up.

"This is the shittiest birthday present ever," Katsuki continued. "And way too fucking late. I'm ten, Deku!"

"I know," Izuku sighed.

"You were four!"

"I know..."

"And I'm ten! Again!" Katsuki hissed, exploding the note in utter frustration. "Why didn't you say anything sooner?"

"You were having such a hard time with Tsubasa and I... I thought maybe it would be better if you didn't have to be here for all of it," Izuku shrugged helplessly. "I know it's not what you wanted and I know I was absolutely useless back then- in the last timeline, during that Nomu attack- and I... I don't know what happened after, but it couldn't have been good, right?"

"It wasn't," Katsuki said, looking down at the hand drawn Assembly symbol again. "It doesn't matter anymore. It never happened, so there's no point in beating ourselves up about it."

"Still..." Izuku said. "I don't know whether I should have the quirk... I don't know whether I can still be the hero I need to be."

"Stop that," Katsuki hissed, hitting him over the head. "Stop doubting yourself. You're fucking great, even though this gift is absolute shit. Why give me a notebook?"

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