Chapter 13 - It's Your Power

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Izuku asked as they watched the house from a distance. They were twelve now, eight years had passed since Izuku got back, two for Katsuki, and now they were standing in the bushes spying on the number two hero. One might wonder how they could do this without their parents noticing, but Izuku had long accepted the fact their parents didn't care where they ran off to, as long as they stuck together and were home by dinner. Something he was both grateful and worried about. Izuku didn't think he could ever give his own child such freedom, it wouldn't be good for his mental health, and that was already horrible.

"The sooner we get everyone together, the more leverage we've got, consequences be damned," Katsuki said, glaring at the gate from across the street. "Just be ready to ambush him when he gets home."

Ambush, pfft- This was barely an ambush. They were just waiting for Shoto to get home from cram school so Izuku could yell in his face about his quirk. It wasn't the most perfect or flawless plan, but it should do the job. That and they had no idea where Shoto's old school was, but they did know where he lived despite Endeavor keeping his address out of the media. And yeah, he might not have been the easiest to get a hold of and they did know the addresses of their other future classmates, too, but none had such an influential family as Shoto. Well, aside from Momo, but her mansion was basically a fortress. There was no way two kids would be able to sneak inside.

"He's here! Get ready!" Katsuki hissed, slapping his arm. Izuku nodded, his eyes instantly locking on to the fancy black car as it pulled up in front of the Todoroki residence. Once it came to a stop, they quickly crossed the street. Luckily Shoto lived in a quiet neighborhood so there weren't any other cars around at the time.

"Shoto!" Izuku called out as the boy stepped out of the car, immediately catching his attention. "It's your power! Your quirk! You decide how you wanna use it, not your dad!"

He could tell it was working by the way his emotionless facade melted off his face, twisting into something akin to happiness and concern. He tensed up again when Endeavor left the car, though. Shit, they hadn't taken his presence into account... Izuku quickly skidded to a halt, Kacchan running into him, making him stumble forward. Endeavor looked pissed. What was he even doing here in the first place? He didn't normally involve himself in Shoto's life if it wasn't for training, not in this phase of his life, so what was the occasion..? Was Izuku overlooking something?

"This is no place for brats to-" he started, threatening, glaring at them. Izuku was sure that if he was actually 12 years old, he'd piss his pants.

"Izuku-kun, Katsuki-kun," Shoto greeted them, ignoring his father as he stepped towards them, being stopped by Endeavor before he could get too far. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you know these kids, Shoto?"

"They're my classmates," Shoto simply answered.

"We wanted to know whether Shoto-kun was free to come and play football with us," Katsuki said, going along with Shoto's lie.

"Shoto is busy, he doesn't have time to play around," Endeavor simply huffed, grabbing his son's arm and dragging him off inside. Izuku could hear him yell about how he shouldn't mingle with those below him, with people not worth his time or effort, and that he should focus on training instead. It made his blood boil in the worst possible way, even if he knew what sort of circumstances led to this.

"It worked," Katsuki grinned. "We did it!"

"Shoto is still suffering," Izuku frowned. "And we can't do anything about it..."

"That guy can take Endeavor," Katsuki stated. "He won't let himself be pushed around, he's stronger than he looks."

Izuku knew Kacchan wasn't only saying those things to make Izuku feel better, no, he truly believed Shoto could handle this. He'd gone through this hell before, after all, so maybe this time it would be a little more bearable? Maybe this time, because he had his memories, he could change his own fate? Would he make Endeavor remember? Izuku wasn't even sure which moment counted as his core memory... Probably their first real confrontation with All For One, when Toya exposed himself and the country fell to shambles, abandoning heroes as a whole.

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