Chapter 16 - Tracker: Active

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"Midoriya, my boy!" All Might exclaimed as Izuku entered the room. He'd been invited to UA a little after the whole faculty regained their memories so they had a safe and secure location for the quirk transfer. Izuku was happy to see his mentor again, knowing he remembered him, knowing he'd receive the quirk of his dreams once more. He was happy to have his father figure again, and not the superficial pro hero that smiled and told everyone it would be okay. Things weren't okay, and Izuku could no longer hide his pain behind a fake smile.

"All Might," Izuku breathed, tears welling up in his eyes as he crashed into the man. It felt like ages since he'd been able to hug his mentor like this. Last time- Last timeline, he wasn't the most mentally sound around him. He would be afraid to touch him, afraid to do or say something wrong. Those inhibitions seemed to have faded over the course of yet another decade, though. "Thank you. For entrusting me with One For All."

"Of course," All Might said, giving him a small smile as Izuku pulled his head back a little so he could see his idol's face. "You're my successor, my boy. That'll never change."

Those words were a relief, but Izuku didn't know whether he could trust them. Who knows how long they'll be going through this? Who knows how Jikan rigged this reality in their favor? Maybe there'll come a time when All Might decides enough is enough. A reality in which Izuku doesn't inherit the quirk, where he stays quirkless forever. Maybe that's what they needed to break this cycle? To get rid of All Might's successor..?

"But before we get to that," All Might sighed, ruffling Izuku's wild hair. "Tell me how you're doing."

"I'm... I'm fine," Izuku sniffled, quickly wiping away his tears as he let go of his mentor. "Really, I'm okay! It's just... It's good to see you again. To have you remember again."

"Are you sure?" he asked as he guided him to one of the lounge areas. He knew Izuku had the habit of saying everything was fine, even when it was not. He was selfless like that. It was a quality All Might both admired and hated. A part of him that reminded him of himself.

"Yeah, yes, I'm sure. I'm fine, I promise," Izuku nodded. "What happened in the last timeline...wasn't pretty. I... I froze up. Fighting Nomu, after what happened... I just couldn't do it. Not the same way I used to before. But I'm sure I can get over it! Given enough time, I'm sure I'll be-"

"Don't force yourself, young Midoriya," All Might interrupted him. "I know why it happened, I know you were overwhelmed. Come on, sit down."

Izuku did what he was asked, sitting down on the couch as All Might sat down in front of him.

"I'm glad you can look me in the eye again."

Izuku blinked at that. Right, there had been a time, not so long ago, where he couldn't look All Might in the eye. Not without remembering what he had done, what he'd been forced to do. He clenched his fists by his side, hoping his mentor hadn't seen the way his hands shook at the memory. No, that was behind them now. Izuku should look to the future, should be glad All Might was still here, that they were both still healthy and sane.

"I'm pretty sure I can stand to be around Aizawa sensei now, too," Izuku said with a small smile. "I've, uh, had some time to come to terms with everything. I'll be okay now."

"You don't have to be strong for me, my boy," All Might said. "It's totally fine if you-"

"No, it's okay," Izuku interrupted. "Really, I promise. You know I never blamed him for what happened and, well, I guess time heals all wounds? That's how the saying goes, right? I just... I'm okay now."

All Might hummed, still a little skeptic, but willing to change the subject. Izuku could tell by the way he looked at him, by the way his hands wrung together in his lap. All Might had his tells, just like he had his.

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