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Lily's POV

The bus leaves a little after ten and we head to the stadium. Noah puts his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes.

"You do realize the ride is only fifteen minutes, right," I laugh.

"I know," he replies.

We pull up to the stadium and we head into the locker room. Gillum and Viro pull me aside when they see me get off the bus.

"How's Noah feeling," Gillum asks.

"He still feels lousy. He wants to play but I don't think he should," I answer.

"Would he be up for doing the weigh-in," Viro questions.

"That's something you're gonna have to ask him. But I'd say he might."

They nod and I head to the locker room. I look around and see Noah lying on the floor. I sit next to him and rub his back. He shifts his gaze and gives me a weak smile.

"Gillum and Viro wanna know if you're up for the weigh-in," I say.

He groans and rolls onto his back, rubbing his hands over his face.

"I'm not entirely sure yet. I mean I want to but if I don't feel good, I'm not doing it," he tells me.

"Just give them your answer by the end of practice, alright?"

He nods and the guys head to the field. Noah and I move to the couch and he lays his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair and he falls back to sleep. Around 3:30, I texted DR to tell the coaches that Noah's most likely not doing the weigh-in. I rest my hand on Noah's forehead and I wake him up.

"Noah, wake up."

He groans and I grab my bag, pulling out the Advil.

"What's up?"

"You're burning up a little," I tell him.

I hand him some Advil and a Gatorade. He takes both and lays back in my lap. The guys come back at four to get ready. I make eye contact with the coaches and Noah lifts his head so I can stand up.

"How's he feeling," Viro asks.

"He started getting a fever and slept all afternoon just about," I answer.

"Why don't you take him back to the hotel? Let him sleep and maybe he can at least do the weigh-in tomorrow," Gillum says.

I nod and grab my bag, crouching in front of Noah.

"Coaches told me to take you back to the hotel, baby," I say, rubbing his arm.

He sits up slowly and grabs the Gatorade. I get an Uber and DR helps me take Noah's bag out. Thirty minutes later, we walk into the room. Noah flops on the bed again and falls asleep. I grab my laptop and pull the live stream up on YouTube. 



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Noah slept through the entire game and they changed to weigh-in to a staring contest between Reggie and Vava. The Bananas lost 3-4 but the guys played well. DR walked into the room around ten and showered before going to bed. I woke Noah up so he could take another allergy pill before going to bed for the night. His fever broke, which was good, but he still looked miserable. I hand him the unopened Target bag from yesterday and sit on the bed after getting changed.

"What's all this," Noah mumbles.

"Stuff for you," I tell him.

He wraps the shark blanket around him and smiles like a little kid.

"Now Swim Shady has a sibling," he grins, pulling the stuffed shark from the bag.

"There's some shark gummies in there, too."

He kisses my cheek and sets the bag on the nightstand, curling into my side.

"Thank you for all of this," he says.

"Of course, baby. It's my job to take care of you when you're sick," I reply, kissing his head.

DR comes out of the bathroom and we go to bed.

Lily /// N. BridgesWhere stories live. Discover now