Chapter 11

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Sebastian surprised me this morning by telling me I was going to work. I hadn’t worked a day in my life. Well I had spent two weeks at the local café, where they told me I should probably think of working somewhere else.

“What work will I be doing?” I asked. “Am I even qualified to do anything here? Like I’m still in school, well I was still in school…” I asked watching him do up his tie.

“You won’t be doing any work, you’re just coming, to work with me,” he said turning back to me.

“I’m working for you now?” I asked really confused. He sighed shaking his head and turned back to the mirror. “What will I be doing?” I asked.

“Keeping the Seven entertained, like you have been doing when they come visit,” he explained. I looked at his reflection and scrunched up my nose. “What’s with that face?” he asked not turning around, but eyeing me off in the mirror.

“You are hopeless,” I scoffed. I swam over to the wardrobe and took two ties and held them up to him. I chose the pale purple one with the black diamond pattern. “That tie, makes you look like a clown matched up to that shirt,” I criticized poking at the bright red tie around his neck. “This one is better.” I tossed it to him, and flopped back onto the bed and stare up at the ceiling. “So basically you’re taking me with you so I won’t get into trouble…seven babysitters, errr.” I groaned. I wasn’t stupid, I noticed that letter he had written about me to his brother. Though I found it strange that Sebastian never made mention of him. Then again, I hadn’t talked a lot about Paul either.

Sebastian had finally changed his tie and kneeled at the ledge of the bed and rubbed my head. “Witty, aren’t you?” I rolled my eyes.

“I can’t imagine why anyone would want to be with someone dumb.” I tilted my head back looking at him upside down. “Alas many do so. Beauty before brains. What is the world coming to,” I said dramatically, despite being academically average.

“Well aren’t I lucky to have a girl who has both beauty and brains,” he smiled. I rolled over and turned away before he could kiss me.  “Do I look more presentable?” he asked going with the flow. I just nodded my head. “You didn’t even look,” he whined. I knew his trick, and I was sick of being the clueless stiff he made out with. I knew I was terrible. I didn’t need his letter to tell me so.

“I chose it, so it’s fine,” I replied taking a sudden interest in the bedhead. I felt him playing with my frilly tail trying to tickle me. I swatted his hands away with it making a smacking sound.

“Aww, what’s wrong,” he asked lying down next to me. I rolled over again so my back was facing him. “Someone’s grumpy,” he mocked. I felt the a chilly hand slowly slide up my back under my top. I jolted around and glared at him.

“What was that for?” I demanded, only to be pulled to his bare chest. He rested his hand on the back of my head and pressed it to him while the other was claps firmly to my waist. I could hear his heartbeat. “umm what…are you doing?” I asked shyly.  He shushed me and stroked my hair.

“You’re lonely, it’s telling me,” he placed his hand half on my breast to indicate my heart, but I bravely ignored the action, but I knew I was blushing to no end.

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