4th of July

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It's now the 4th of July and a lot has happened between now and the party. I found out that Taylor and Steven kissed which was very surprising since Steven has a girlfriend and Taylor is Belly's best friend. But Belly was able to forgive Taylor and told Steven off so as long as she's ok with it I'm ok with it. Also, Conrad and I haven't really spoken to each other since the night of the party. It feels like there is still a lot unsaid but personally I don't want to have it be said, and I don't think he does either. But other than that everything else is how is always is during summer. Especially today since it's the 4th of July and every year we always have a big cookout and the dads come to the beach house and Jer and I put in a fireworks show for everyone.
So the morning of the 4th I put on white linen pants and a red and white striped tube too. I matched it with tan flip flops since usually the kids spend most of our time at the beach. I came down stairs to find everyone in the kitchen having breakfast.
"Happy 4th of July, today we all bleed red, white and blue" I announce
Everyone laughed, well except Conrad he just awkwardly smiled and went back to eating his cereal.
"So mom when is dad coming?" I ask
"Oh he will be here around noon"
"ok cool and what about the rest of the fathers?" I ask
"Oh you didn't hear my lovely mother invited my father and his new girlfriend to come and stay here" Belly said in a sarcastic tone.
"oh well umm that should be fun...to witness if i'm being honest" I ask
Laurel hit me on the arm and said "watch it Lulu girl, and Belly I'm just trying to be nice. Also your father aways comes here for the 4th"
Jackson came into the kitchen wearing an American flag button up shirt.
"What the hell are you wearing J?" Belly asks
"What i thought it would be festive!" J says in a cheerful voice and we all laugh.
"Well anyways I just wanted to let you all know that I just got off the phone with dad and he said he can't make it up" Jackson says
"wait what? did he say why?" I ask
"said he grandma pitied him into staying home with her since she has spent a 4th of July with her in years" J said
"that damn women, always trying to take him away" my mom muttered.
"Ok well at least Belly and Steven's dad will be here"  I say
About an hour later Belly and Steven's dad got to the house. We all crowded the door see get a peak at the girlfriend.
"holy shit she's hot" Jackson said causing Belly to hit the back of his head.
"Guys I just realized that could become there step mom" Conrad says with wide eyes
"Wow that be awesome, you guys would have a hot step mom" Jer said.
"Ya I'm sorry but I have to agree she is very attractive" I add
"ok ok first off she's not going to be our new step mom and second gross very very gross" Belly said
We watch them start walking towards the door so we run to the back of the house leaving Belly and Steven to meet the new girlfriend.

Belly, Jackson, Jer and I were sitting on the kitchen counter watching Victoria, Belly's dad girlfriend, make pomegranate margarita. She let us try some and oh my were they yummy. She than went outside and left all of us looking at each other. Belly and I made eye contact and at the same time got up and said "I have an idea"
"what is it?" J asked
"Well J my sous chef and I will be making pomegranate margarita but with a twist" Belly said while holding a red juice powder. That's when Conrad walked in.
"what are you two up to" he asks
"We are making margaritas" Belly answers while I play around with the blender
"Oh well if you are making margs we should use the good blender" he says
"Are you sure dude cause last time we used that blender the counters of stinky for weeks from kool-Aid" Jer says
"Ya I remember your dad left his briefcase in my room to remind me that everything has consequences" J says
"Well I think we should use it, I mean dad isn't here to tell us no. Ha Lu can you please do your impression of Laurel humbling my dad. You always do it the best. " Conrad says while he starts to throw the ingredient in it.
That was the first time Conrad actually spoke to me without needing today. Before this it was 'sorry' or 'excuse me'. But this, this was great. I'm hoping this means are can go back to normal.
"Do you all want me to do the impression?" I ask everyone and they had say yes. So I walk over to the kitchen table facing away from them and than turn around and see Mr.Fisher standing. So I just say "Mr.Fisher?"
"No no Lu that's not what she called hi-". As Conrad was speaking Susannah walked in and said "Adam?".
That made everyone turn to to find Adam Fisher standing in the doorway of the kitchen. I looked over at Conrad who face that was so happy and bright was not dark and gloomy. Jeremiah got up and hugged his dad and than Belly, Jackson and I said our hellos before taking the pitcher of margaritas and going out back. We all knew that she didn't want to stay for whatever was about to happen. Once we got our back Cam Cameron showed up and we introduced him to Belly's dad.


Belly and I walked down to the beach holding the pitcher of margarita and glasses. Everyone was there, Steven and his girlfriend, Shayla, were sitting in a kiddie pool. Gigi, one of Belly's deb friends was in a beach chair across from Jer. Conrad and Nicole were sitting next to each other in beach chairs as well. Cam Cameron was on the sand next to Jackson, but as Belly and I came walk down they made space for us. We all sat in a circle talking when we saw Conrad chuck his margarita.
"damn Con it's not a race buddy slow down" I tell him
"ya Conrad slow down"Nicole adds
"But what if it was a race? like isn't that the point of a drinking game?" Belly asks
"you wanna okay a drinking game?" I say
"Ya why not it's the 4th of July let's have fun" Belly says
So we all get closer together and start playing quarters. Jer was next to me and we kept picking each other to drink. We were both very tipsy which resulted in us being more touchy with each other than usual. We received some dirty looks from Conrad, but I kinda liked the idea that he was jealous.
By the time we had to go back to the house  there was three more glasses of margaritas left I took one and gave the last two to Belly.
I found myself sitting with Belly, Cam Cameron, Gigi, Nicole and Shayla. Nicole was asking Belly about Conrad and if she thinks he's into her. But I wasn't listening I was to focused on watching  Jer and Con throw the football back and forth. Well that was until Cam Cameron helped Belly get up still she was clearly drunk.
"Shayla you have nothing to worry about it was only one kiss. And Steven doesn't even like Taylor he likes you so much" Belly slurs while she says this.
I than stand up and say "Cam take Belly back to the house and give her some water she's so drunk that's she's talking crazy now"
"Ya I will" He said
"wait what? Steven and Taylor kissed? Lucy did you know" Shayla asked
"I think you should talk to Steven about this it's really not my place" I tell her
The girls than get up and grab there stuff and head back to the house. I sit back down and look out onto the water. I keep thinking about Conrad and how I wish he was sitting with me right now and how nice it would be to have his arms wrapped around me. But I snap myself out of my drunk thought and go back to the house since it was getting dark and Jer would want to start the fireworks show soon.
As I walk through the backyard I see Conrad walking towards the outdoor showers and sand all her him, and I see Belly following close behind him so I let that be. I go inside and sit on the counter waiting for Jer to tell me when he wants to do the fireworks. That's when he walks into the house.
"Hey Jer when do you want to do the fireworks show?"
"I'm not doing it this year!" he snaps
"Wow dude calm down, what happened?" I ask
"Conrad always has to go and ruin everything!" he snaps.
That's when Belly came through the door talking to Laurel.
"You two are both in big trouble" Laurel says  point at me and Belly.
"Why me?I didn't do anything wrong" I ask
"I know you had a hand in this Lu." she says with a smile on her face, telling me she's not mad at all.
Susannah grads the cake from the table outside and Belly runs out and calls dibs on a piece with strawberries. But as she walks her ankle gives out and she falls and she takes Susannah down with her. I run to Belly and make sure she's ok, and see what Laurel, my mom and Adam were all by Susannah's side. They all tried to help her up until she yelled at them to stop. Belly looked up at Susannah and said sorry before Susannah went inside.  

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