The Morning After

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I woke up, took a shower, than changed i to a white tee shirt, jeans shorts, and put on a green hat. As I was doing my make up it hit me. Everything that happened with Conrad the night before. There was evidence of the night all over the place. My eyes were puffy from crying, my shirt I was wearing laying on the floor. Instead of facing what happened I ignored it and made my way down stairs. Today was a big day for Belly is was the deb ball and I wasn't going to ruin it for her.
"Morning" I said to everyone in the kitchen as I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.
"Lucy!!! Today is the day!" Belly cheered.
"I'm so excited for you! You are going to look beautiful" I tell her.
I than took a seat at the table and start eating my apple. That's when Conrad came down, we made awkward eye contact than looked away from each other. Once I finished my apple I went outside so and sat by the pool to eliminate all chances of an awkward conversation with Conrad. But of course he thought the opposite and followed me outside.
"Lucy we need to talk about last night" he says.
"There is nothing to talk about Conrad, everything is fine" I tell him.
"Everything is not fine we kissed, like actually really kissed. Than it started moving really quickly and I got scared"
"Conrad it's fine"
"I don't think it is though. Cause I bet you are think that I regret what happened. Well I don't, at all" Conrad says as he takes a step closer to me.
"You don't?" I say confused.
"Lucy I have been wanting to do that for a long time. It's just once it started to get more intense I needed to stop, cause I didn't want that to be the first time" Conrad says
"that makes sense, but you needed have to than run out of my room after" I say in a sarcastic tone.
"Ya that was kinda embarrassing I won't lie" we than both laugh and go back inside.
He's mine. Finally after all this time he's mine. I don't think I have ever been this happy before. Nothing could ruin this for me.
It was now time for Belly to head to the club to start getting ready. I packed all the makeup she will need and gave her a few hair products of mine that might come in handy. The moms, Conrad, Jeremiah and I were sitting in the kitchen when Jackson came in to be followed by Steven.
"Dude since when have you been hooking up with my sister" Steven says to Jackson.
"what? You saw us outside?" Jackson says.
"Ya man what the hell"
"Steven I'm sorry we were going to tell you just not at the current moment" Jackson says.
"Ya well can you not kiss her in front of me it really grossed me out" Steven says.
"Haha ya sorry about that" we all start laughing at the two of them.

***author's note- Do you guys like the story so far? Please give me some feedback!!! This is my first fanfic so I'm learning as I go!!***

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