Fireworks Show

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It was now night time and everyone was inside, well except Conrad. He was outside on the dock looking out at the water. I stood there watching him through the doorway when I heard Susannah walk in.
"Go get him Lu" she says while coming up behind me.
"Ha I don't know what your talking about" I say
"Lucy I'm telling you as Conrad's mom to go outside and make him yours" She says
"It scary you know"
"I know hun but I also know that when I say your meant for one of my boys, I'm not talking about Jeremiah" Susannah says while walking away.
And that's  all I needed to hear. I opened the door and made my way outside to the dock.
"Hey Con what are you doing out here?"
"I'm thinking" Conrad says while I walk up next to him.
"Wanna share?" I ask
"I don't know I just have a lot on my mind"
"I see I see" I say to him. Than there is a moment of silence, and I knew this was my moment to tell him.
"Con" I say
"Lucy" He says at the same time.
"Ha sorry you go first Con"
"Okay well umm jeez I don't really know what to say"
"Ok i'll go first than, Conrad everything I have said to you in the pass few days about not caring about what you think and all the stuff is a lie" I say and he turns his head and looks into my eyes.
"It's a lie Con, I do care. Actually I probably care to much about what you think of me. So all I will say is that you were right" I tell him.
"I know I was right." He says as a smirk forms on his face
"Wow ok, umm well I'm going to go inside than" I say while shaking my head.
"No no don't go inside I'm not trying to be a jerk, really. It's just I have these feelings for you that I have never felt before. For anyone. And I don't know what that means" he tells me as he moves closer to me so our shoulders are touching. He looks down at my lips than back at my eyes before starting to lean in. I start leaning into to and right as our lips are about to touch a fireworks shoots out directly towards us. We both jump and it brings us both back down to Earth. The moment is now over and to be honest I don't know if we will get another one.
"I'm going to go inside Con" I say
"Ok I think I'm going to stay out here for a little bit longer" he tells me
"Ok I'll see you" I tell him
When I walked inside I went straight to my room. I just needed a break from everything to think about what happened and what could of happened. When I walking into my room I found Jeremiah sitting on my bed as tears filled his eyes.
"Jer what's wrong?" I ask walking over to him and sitting next to him.
"You love him don't you. Thats why you couldn't be with me, it's cause of him" Jer says as his voice starts to break
"Jer what are you talking about?"
"Lucy don't play dumb I saw you two! You were going to kiss him!" Jer says and gets up and faces me.
"You told me that you didn't want to ruin our friendship and to hurt me! Well guess what Lucy you did! You ruined summer and you didn't just hurt me you broke my heart!" Jer started yelling.
"Jer please calm down. Can we talk about this please" I beg
"No Lucy we can't I don't want to talk to you I don't want to see you. After this summer I never want to see you again!" He yells
"Jer you don't mean that. I'm sorry please sit down and we can talk about this" tears start falling down my cheeks. Jeremiah than walks out of my room and slams the door. I start crying, hard. I grab my bag and start throwing clothes in it. I needed to leave this house and get away. I'll come back for the deb ball to support Belly. But that's it. I'm done.
I packed my bag and ran downstairs, grabbed my moms keys and drove away. I didn't know where I was going to go I just knew I needed to go.

Summer Haze, Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now