How Are You

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Lucy's pov

I opened my car door at the same time Jeremiah ran out and shouted "the Simmons clan has arrived"

I get out of the car with a smile going ear to ear and I run over to Jer and wrap my arms around him. He picks me up and twirls me around and whispers in my ear "lulu, i missed you the most".

He puts me down and I just smile at him, all my life everyone told me Jer had a big crush on me but I would either acted like I didn't hear them when they said it or just I wouldn't respond. Its not like I didn't find Jeremiah attractive I just didn't want to ruin summer by acting on anything, also he isn't the Fisher brother for me, that role was Conrad's and has been since I could remember.

Jer then goes and hugs my mom before she runs inside to find Susannah and Laurel. Steven runs out of the house and gives Jackson a hug and makes his way over to me.

"my oh my is that Lucy Simmons in the flesh? Is this the girl that will be attending Emerson?" he smirks at me and gives me a big hug

Steven and I had our dream colleges picked out since we were little. His was Princeton and mine Emerson. He is a year younger than me so we will have to wait to see if his dream will come true but for right now him and I plan to celebrate mine coming true.

"I'm proud of you Lu, you did it!" Steven says to me while hugging me.

"Well Steven you're nex-" I am caught off guard when I see Belly walking towards me.

"oh my god Belly you look amazing! you look like a women. Your beautiful bells" I say to her while bringing her into a hug

"Thank you Lu but please stop you're making me blush" Belly says as her face starts to turn a pretty shade of pink.

Belly was the little sister I had always wanted. When we were younger I would dress her up and drag her around with me wherever I went. We are sister no matter what.

As I let go of Belly I see him. Conrad Fisher, he looked at me and and started smirking. Oh how I melt when he smirks at me. I walk over to him and there is a moment where we just look at each other. It probably lasted less than 10 seconds but it felt like hours, like the whole world stoped and it was just me and him standing here looking at one another. This intense moment was broke by Jackson when he pushed me out of the way to hug Conrad.

"Conrad guess what! I get to go out with you this summer! Mom said it was cool as long as you or Lucy was there. I'm so pumped to party with you this summer!" Jackson said with a huge smile on his face.

Jackson looked up to Conrad since we were kids. He always try's to impress him, it's cute.

"That's amazing J, I'm make sure you have the best summer yet!" Conrad tells him.

"alright lets head inside the moms probably want to see us" Jer tell us.

Everyone makes their way inside except Conrad and I. Belly turns and sees us still standing there and almost has a disappointed look on her face.

"So lulu how are you" Conrad asks me.

"Did you know that the worse way to start a conversation is asking 'how are you' cause usually the people answering will just say 'i'm fine'." I say this to Conrad while a smirk forms on my face.

I always hope my smirk has the same effect his does in me.

"Oh really Lu. Well as someone who has known you your entire life I don't think your going to answers with that" Conrad tells me

"Well Con you are correct. At this current moment I'm doing fantastic I'm at my favorite place with my favorite people" I say.

"mmm favorite people or favorite person" Conrad says trying to hint to himself.

I look around and say "Well Jer isn't here so my favorite person isn't with me at the moment"

"Ouch that one hurt me" Conrad says while he puts his hand to his chest.

"ok well I'm going to head inside if you would like to join me" I say

"I think I will." Conrad says.

Summer Haze, Conrad Fisher Where stories live. Discover now