chapter one

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"And with 4 seconds left on the clock, Nathan Scott makes his way down the court, hoping to get another hoop in and taking a victory for the Ravens!" Mouth's voice can be heard from behind the girl. Allie lets out a soft chuckle at Mouth's commentary and focuses on the game. Nathan shoots the ball and it lands perfectly through the hoop.

Allie lets out a scream and cheers. "Yeah Nathan!" she yells, which makes the said boy turn towards her and flash her a smile.

Nathan runs towards her direction before colliding with the person right next to her, Peyton. Right, his girlfriend. Allie thought to herself and let out an awkward smile. He grabs Peyton's chin and kisses her, while her arms are wrapped around his neck. Allie quickly turns away, not letting the tears fall from her eyes when she feels a pair of arms wrap around her.

She faces the person and sees Brooke who softly rubs her head. She lets out a grateful smile before locking eyes with Nathan. He nods at her and her lips curl up in an attempt to greet him. She pulls away from Brooke's arms and says her goodbyes.

"Good game." She hears Brooke say to him. "Thanks, nice cheering." He replies, and with that Allie walks out of the gym and towards her car.

After starting the car and driving off, she's deep in thought about Peyton and Nathan. Being too lost in her thoughts, she lets out a loud gasp and slams on the brakes before colliding with the person walking in front of her car.

He lifts his head up and takes his hoodie off. Allie lets out a breath of relief. "Oh my god, Luke!" She says and lets out a chuckle. Lucas makes his way over to the driver's window. "Tryna kill me Allie?" He jokes and they both let out a chuckle.

"Get in." She says to the blonde boy and he gets into the passenger seat. "So, what's up? Why do you look so dazed?" Lucas says while she drives towards his house.

"Just thinking about stuff." She sighs. "Stuff like Nathan and Peyton?" He asks her to which she stops the car and looks at him.

"What are you talking about?" She asks him and stares at the boy in front of her. He sighs and pushes a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Look, Haley told me that you've been in love with the guy since like freshman year and despite how much hatred I have towards him, I can't control how you feel about him. Especially when you run with that crowd." She sighs and places her forehead on his.

"Please, if I could, I would make these feelings go away as well." She pulled him away from him. "Besides he's with Peyton anyway so it doesn't matter." Lucas laughs. "Yeah, Peyton." He continues.

"Ugh, I'm sorry Luke, I forgot." She says and places her hand on his. "It's alright. Like you said, it doesn't matter." She nods and continues the drive towards his house.


Allie walks into her sister's room and lays down on her bed. "So, how was your day sis?" She asks her sister. Haley turns away from her computer and looks at Allie, "Good, Brandon aced his math test." She says and gets on her bed facing Allie. "That's great Hales." She says and lets out a sigh for the umpteenth time that night.

"Okay, what happened tonight? Luke called and said you seemed out of it on the way home." Haley says and Allie turns her head to look in her twin's eyes.

"Nathan and Peyton practically made out in front of me. I mean I told Peyton I could handle them being together but she said that she wouldn't rub it in my face, especially since she knows how I feel." She says and runs her hands through her hair.

Haley pulls her twin into her arms and pats her head. "I'm sorry, sis. I wish I could make it better." Allie nods her head in agreement. "Me too."

Allie's eyes were starting to shut in her sister's embrace until her phone went off. "Can you check to see who it is?" She asks her sister. Haley nods her head and grabs her phone from the night stand.

"It's Brooke." Allie groans and takes the phone from Haley's hand and answers the phone. "Hello?"

"Hey A. James, what are you doing right now?" She hears Brooke over the phone. "Getting ready for bed, what's up?" She replies and stands up from Haley's bed.

"It's Nathan and Peyton again. I'm on my way to Peyt's already, see you there." Brooke ends the phone call leaving a dumbfounded Allie in the middle of her sister's room.

"I'm getting tired of their bullshit." She says to her twin. Haley laughs and rubs her sister's shoulder. "Good luck, sis."

Allie lets out a groan and walks out.

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