chapter six

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Allie was walking around campus with Brooke and Peyton. "All I remember is us three and Haley in the car. And then Lucas and Nathan, and then you said something about being into Lucas, but it could've been Nathan. I need to know." Brooke pointed at Peyton.

"Need?" Peyton clarified. "Two of them, three of them. Not enough Scott boys to go around, and your courtesy hold on Lucas has expired." Brooke stated and smirked. "Hey, I gotta go. But I'll catch up with you guys later." She said and walked off.


Allie walked out towards her car and saw Peyton and Haley talking. "What's this?" She asked and approached them. "Just talking." They both said. "Ah, so Brooke was wrong. Good, I'm glad you guys like each other." She said and walked to her car. "SIs, Peyton's dropping me off." Haley yelled at her. "Sounds good!" Allie replied and got in her car.

Before she could drive off, Nathan opened her passenger seat door. "Hey, what's up?" She asked him with a smile. "Nothing, you coming to the party tonight?" He asked and got in. "Yeah, sounds fun." Nathan chuckled. "The weirdest thing happened in class today." He said to her. "Yeah, what's that?" She asked him.

"Brooke said Peyton was still interested in me. Isn't that weird?" He said towards her. "Um yeah, because..." She replied. "Because what? What did she say to you?" He asked. "Nothing, I just know that she isn't really looking into opening up that book again." She stated truthfully. "Okay." He said. "I'll see you tonight?" He asked hopefully. She nodded her head. "Yeah, I'll see you tonight." She replied to him. "Great." He said and got out of her car.


Allie was standing with Brooke in the living room when she decided to ask about what Nathan told her. "Hey, so um, Nathan said that you told him Peyton was still into him?" Brooke smiled. "Yeah, I did." Allie looked confused. "Um, why? Peyton's clearly interested in Lucas." Allie stated.

Brooke sighed. "Well, she hasn't directly told us yet right? So I'm making the decision for her. Think of it as keeping her out of my way." And with that, Brooke walked off and looked for Jake. Peyton approached her and before she could tell Peyton what was going on, Nathan came up to them.

"Did you get my messages?" He asked Peyton. Allie felt sick. She didn't know that they were still a thing. Maybe Brooke was right, Nathan and Peyton were meant for each other. "I should go." She said and walked away, hoping to find Lucas.


Throughout the night she found herself drinking too much and feeling horrible. Nathan found her sitting on the curb by herself. "Hey, the party's inside. What are you doing out here alone?" He came and sat next to her. "Oh, just thinking about stuff." She let out a light laugh.

"Saw you and Peyton, does that mean you guys are back together?" She asked him. He quickly shook his head no. "Uh, I think she and Lucas are getting it on." Nathan replied and looked at the floor. "I'm sorry, I know you still have feelings for her." He laughed at her again before looking at her. He raised his hands to her face and cupped her cheeks.

"Who told you that?" He asked her seriously. "Um, no- no one did. I just thought-" She stuttered. "You thought wrong. I don't like her, at least not anymore." He said and looked at her lips. "Oh." She said and remained quiet.

"This might be the alcohol talking, but I think you look really handsome right now Nathan Scott." Allie said and traced his facial features with her finger. "Like a prince." She whispered and giggled. He laughed and grabbed her hands in his, "Well, I think you look really beautiful right now." He said and smiled at her.

"C'mon, let's go back inside." Nathan said, still holding onto her hand and making their way inside the house. They went into the backyard, where Nathan had her sit in a chair and he started shooting hoops. "Listen up everyone!" Brooke said with her hands in the air.

Everyone turned to look at her. "It's time for truth or dare, or maybe just dare, nobody really tells the truth anymore." She said looking straight at Peyton. Peyton sighed and looked at her. "Theresa, I dare you to go pinch Whitey's ass." Theresa laughed. "Be right back." This caused people to laugh.

Brooke looked around, trying to find another target, "Let's see...Peyton?' Peyton rolled her eyes. "Brooke, come on." Allie stood up from her chair and attempted to walk to Brooke. "Brooke stop." Allie pleaded and grabbed her arm. Brooke yanked her arm away and caused Allie to fall to the ground.

"Allie!" Nathan said and ran to her. He helped her up and kept an arm around her waist to keep her from injuring herself. He walked over to the previously owned chair and sat down, pulling Allie on his lap. She smiled, "My knight in shining armor." She said and laughed. He chuckled and tightened his hold on her waist.

"I dare you to show us how you really feel. Kiss Lucas." Brooke finished. Peyton grabbed Lucas's face and planted her lips onto his. After kissing him, she walked off. Allie turned to Nathan, "I should go check on her." Nathan nodded and released her.

Allie walked up to Peyton and wrapped her arm around her. "You okay?" She asked. Peyton sighed and hugged her back. "No, god she was such a bitch." Peyton said. "Yeah, well that's Brooke." Allie sighed and looked behind her. She saw Lucas come up, "Well that's my cue." She hugged Peyton one last time and left them alone.

She walked inside and noticed her sister. "Haley? What are you doing here?" She asked her sister and ran to hug her. "Um, Deb wanted some cakes so I brought them. I'm actually gonna leave right now though." Allie let out a groan, "Ugh, no stay." Haley lagged, "I wish. But I actually have to tutor someone tonight." She hugged Allie again. "I'll see you at home."

Haley took off and she felt an arm wrap around her. She looked and saw Nathan, "Hey, you." He said to her. "Hi, have you seen Brooke? She's been causing some trouble lately and I need to find her before she does something else." He chuckled and looked straight ahead, "Speaking about her."

"Allie, are you with Nathan now?" "Brooke." Nathan said in a waring tone. "So what? Peyton goes after Lucas and you decide he's up for grabs? You know it's funny, because he was just telling me that he was looking forward to seeing Peyton tonight." Brooke said. Allie stepped away from Nathan and looked at him. "Guess you're too late, Alles, like 4 years too late. Better luck next time."

Allie scoffed and looked at them. "Allie, I-" Nathan started while looking at her. "Stay away from me." The girl said and walked out of the house.

Allie called Haley's cell, waiting for her to pick up. "Alles, what's up?" Her sister asked. "Hales, where are you? I- I really need you right now." Allie's voice was breaking up. "Woah, what happened? I'm uh, I'm at Karen's Cafe, come here." Allie sniffled and let her tears flow, "Alright, I'll see you in a bit." Allie hung up the phone call and began running to Karen's Cafe.

Once she arrived, she saw Haley cleaning the counter. Immediately she ran into her sister's embrace and started crying. "What happened, Alles?" Allie cried even more. "Nathan and Brooke." She said in between trying to catch her breath. Lucas walked in and saw them. He walked up to them and embraced both girls into his arms. "What happened?" He asked.

"Exactly what everyone thought would happen. I started to believe that he wasn't terrible and he proved me wrong. I'm such an idiot." Lucas and Haley looked at the girl before hugging her again. "I'm sorry, Alles. He's not worth it." Lucas said.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go home and wash away tonight." Allie said. Lucas and Haley looked at the girl. "I'll be okay, I promise." Allie sniffled and walked out, starting her way home.


Once her house was in her view, she saw Nathan sitting on her porch. He looked up and saw her. "Hey." He walked closer to her.

She ignored him and made her way to the front door. "Allie, I didn't say that to her!" He said, pleading. Allie quickly got into her house and shut the door. "Come on! Please, you have to believe me." She could hear Nathan pleading from the other side of the door. She walked into her room and began to cry herself to sleep.

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