chapter fourteen

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Allie was in Nathan's kitchen with Deb. "I'm glad you and Nathan were able to make up." She said and passed the dish to the younger girl. Allie grabbed it and started wiping it dry, "Yeah, me too." Nathan walked in behind them and placed a kiss on Allie's cheek.

The phone started ringing and Nathan walked over to look at it. "It's him." he said and looked at Deb. "Don't pick up." He sighed and clicked the decline button. "Your father is refusing to cooperate with the attorneys so this may end up in front of a judge." Deb explained to Nathan.

Dan's voice message could be heard from the answering machine. Allie walked over to turn it off before listening to the conversation again. "I think you're doing the right thing for yourself. Even for him." Nathan said while walking up to his girlfriend.

He placed his arm around her waist and Allie reached to hold his hand that was wrapped around her. "It's you I'm worried about honey." Deb said and looked at the younger couple. Nathan sighed and looked at his mom.

"Don't. I get it. You and dad splitting up is a good thing." No more words were spoken between them and Deb walked out of the kitchen. Allie looked up at her boyfriend and kissed his cheek. "I'm proud of you." She said and squeezed his hand. He chuckled and looked down at her, "Thank you."


Allie was sitting in Lucas's room and looking at him lost in thought. "So you broke up with Brooke to be with Peyton?" She asked and scoffed. "You think that's wrong?" He asked her. "I just want you to tell her the truth, you know? I mean, remember when Damien did that to me and you almost killed him?" She asked and Lucas laughed.

"Yeah, wanted to rearrange his face." Lucas admitted. "So, you know it's wrong then. You have to tell Brooke. Besides, when she finds out, I'm gonna have to be by her side anyway. I hope you don't get the wrong idea." She explained to him.

He looked at her with a confused face, "What do you mean?" Allie sighed and laid down. "Peyton was Brooke's best friend, knowing what happened between you two is going to cause a shift in their friendship and no one is gonna be there for Brooke." Lucas nodded at her, "Your point?"

"My point is that I know what she's going to feel and I could probably help her cope with it. Which means no interactions or hanging out between us anymore, at least for a bit." She said and sat up on the bed. "But, that doesn't mean I love you any less, I just have to stick with my morals."

Lucas sighed and looked at his best friend again, "You're a good person you know that." He said to her and caused her to chuckle. "Of course I know that." She got up and hugged him "I gotta go, i'm meeting up with Brooke."

Peyton walked into the room just as Allie was grabbing her bag. "Well, I'm off." She said and walked out. "What was that about?" Peyton asked him. He chuckled and replied, "Just warning me."


Allie and Brooke were in the mall shopping for clothes in hopes to cheer Brooke up. "How are you feeling?" She asked the brunette. Brooke looked at her and started to tear up. "I don't know how I'm going to be friends with him. It just hurts, you know?" She admitted and sat down on a bench.

Allie sighed and hugged her friend. "Yeah I know, but look you're Brooke Davis. I know you're going to get over this and bounce back." Brooke nodded her head and leaned into Allie's neck. Allie felt guilty, knowing the reason that Lucas called it off. She let out a sigh and pulled away. "Come on, I wanna buy some new outfits for Nate." Brooke laughed and the two girls continued shopping.


Nathan was in Allie's room and staring at her. She had on a dark purple halter top and a black mini skirt with stockings on. "Wait a minute, is this a new outfit?" He asked and pulled her onto his lap. She gasped, "It is, and I'm glad you noticed." She said with a smile before placing her lips on his.

"I wanted to try something new, do you like it?" She asked once she pulled away. He nodded his head and looked at her body once again. "Yeah, but what's wrong with your old clothes?" He asked and looked up at her. "Nothing, I just wanted to try some new things."

He laughed, "Well you look beautiful. I'm gonna have to start fighting off dudes." He said and squeezed her closer into him. "Please, I do that enough with TIm." She joked and placed her arms around his neck. He laughed and leaned into her neck. He placed little kisses onto her and she squealed.

"Nate! It tickles." She said and pulled away from him. He laughed and stared up at her before leaning in again and kissing her lips. He pulled away and smiled at her. "I don't know how I would deal with all this crap with my parents if you weren't around." He admitted to her.

She pecked his cheek and looked at him, "You're welcome." He chuckled, "I'm serious. It's like the worse things get with my parents, the better things get with you." She laughed and placed her hands on his cheeks. "Things are getting worse?" She asked him.

"Yeah, and I'm stuck with whoever has the best lawyer." He admitted and rubbed her thighs. "Are you okay?" She asked him. "Yeah, it's whatever." He said and nuzzled into her neck. "I'm sorry, you should know your rights." "It's not like I have any." Nathan said and played with the ending hem of her skirt.

Allie kissed his cheek again and got up from his lap. "Well, let's find out." She dragged him to her computer. "Knowledge is power." She concluded and placed him on her chair before placing herself on his lap again.

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