chapter sixteen

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Allie woke up the next morning and looked over at Brooke. She sighed and got up to brush her teeth and get ready for school. In the middle of brushing her teeth, Brooke walked up to her in the bathroom. "You okay?" She asked her.

Brooke shook her head no, "But, I'll be alright." Brooke said and grabbed her toothbrush. "I'll be there for you." She said to the brunette who gratefully smiled at her.

Allie and Brooke were walking through campus when Peyton approached them, "Brooke." She said to the brunette. Brooke and Allie ignored her and continued walking away.

They both walked to the parking lot when a black car pulled up and started honking at them. Confused, the two girls stopped and looked at the car. Nathan walked out of the driver's seat. "Nice ride, Nate." Brooke said. "I'll catch up with you later." She said to Allie and walked off.

"What's this?" Allie asked as she checked out the car. Nathan sighed and walked to her "Dad gave it to me, it's his way of showing me who's in control." Allie made a disgusted look, "Ew, give it back." Nathan sat on the bumper of the car and pulled Allie closer to him by her waist.

"No, if I'm gonna live like this I'm gonna take everything I can get." Allie laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I missed you." He said, bringing his forehead to hers. "I missed you too." She replied. "So, what did you do last night?" Allie asked him. Nathan smirked, "I finished reading The Little Prince."

"We had a deal, remember?" Nathan whispered in her ear before bringing his lips to her neck. She gasped and slightly pulled away, "I do. But, not right here. Whenever we're both free alright?" She asked him and smiled. "Okay." He said and pulled her in to kiss her lips.


Brooke and Allie were walking towards the gym when Lucas stepped out of the weight room. Trying to ignore him, they both walked past him until he spoke. "Brooke, I'm sorry." Brooke turned back quickly, "Yeah, sorry you got caught." "No, we didn't mean to hurt you. We didn't plan any of this, it just happened." Lucas tried to defend himself. Brooke scoffed, "Go to hell."

The two girls walked towards the gym, "I'm proud of you B. Davis." Allie said towards the brunette. Brooke smiled, "Thanks A. James." They entered the gym and saw Peyton standing on the other side of the cheerleaders. Brooke scoffed and looked away.

When practice was over, Allie walked towards Brooke, "Hey, I'm heading out with Nate, so I'll see you tomorrow." Brooke hugged the girl and sighed, "Thanks Allie, I would've gone crazy if I didn't have you right now." Allie pulled away, "I'm always here, bye B." Allie grabbed her bag and walked out towards the boys locker room.

Allie waited outside of the locker room for Nathan. She chipped at the white polish on her nails while waiting when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. "Hey gorgeous." She turned and looked at Nathan, "Well, hello handsome. Are you all ready?" Nate nodded his head and they both headed out towards his car.


Nathan was sitting on her bed waiting for her to come up. Allie walked into her room and came closer to him. Placing herself on his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her lips to his. His hands came up to her waist and slipped under her shirt.

Allie pulled back from him to take her shirt off while Nathan's lips trailed all over her neck down to her collarbones. He flipped them over so that she was laying flat on her back. He brought his hands up to her face. "I love you." He said to her while looking into her eyes.

"I love you too." She replied and kissed him. His hands traveled to her breast and squeezed them, causing her to let out a gasp. This allowed Nate to slip his tongue into her mouth. Her hands moved to his shirt, pulling it up in hopes that he would take the hint and slip it off. Nathan pulled away and slipped his shirt off, coming back and diving deep into her neck to leave bruises.


Allie laid in bed with Nathan, a smile on her face. She had just woken up from her nap after their activities and looked at him. She smiled thinking about what just happened and leaned over to kiss him. The action caused him to wake up and look over at her.

"Hey gorgeous." He said and squeezed her naked figure. She let out a giggle and smiled. "Hi. Good nap?" She asked. He chuckled and kissed her head, "The best."

Her phone started ringing and they both looked over at the night stand. Nathan grabbed it and answered, "Hello?" "Allie have you- Nathan?" Karen's voice said. Nathan and Allie looked at each other and laughed before she took her phone from him. "Hey Karen, what's up?" Allie asked and sat up on her bed,

Her blanket that was wrapped around her figure slipped off her shoulder allowing Nate to press kisses into her skin. He looked at the marks left on her neck and smiled before placing kisses on them. "Yeah, I'll look for him." He heard her say and hung up the phone.

She chuckled and pushed his head away. "Did you not get enough?" She joked towards him. "Never, I'll never get enough." He said and kissed her neck again. "That was Karen, Lucas is missing and she can't get a hold of him." Allie said and got up.

She walked over to her closet and grabbed random pieces of clothes, not noticing the marks on her neck yet. She put her clothes on and looked back at Nathan. He could see the bruises caused by him very clearly in the v-neck she wore. "I wouldn't wear that if I was you." Nathan said to her.

"What do you mean?" She asked him. Nathan nudged his head to the mirror and Allie walked over to it. "Nathan!" She yelled out. He chuckled and walked up to her, hugging her from behind while he stared at his artwork in the mirror.

"Sorry, got too carried away." He said and kissed her cheek. She scoffed and pushed him away. "It's like 1000 degrees outside. What am I supposed to wear?" She asked him. He laughed and grabbed his varsity jacket, placing it on her shoulders and butting it up. "There, all covered." He said and laughed.

She rolled her eyes and threw his shirt at him. "Come on, we have to find Lucas." She said and grabbed her hairbrush. He just stared at her and chuckled before getting dressed himself.


The next day Allie walked into Karen's Cafe to ask about Lucas. She saw Karen and Deb talking to each other when she approached them. Deb looked at her and sighed. "How's Lucas?" Allie asked Karen. "I think he's going to be fine." She answered back.

Awkwardly, Allie stood there and looked at them. She remembered the marks Nathan had left on her and brought his jacket up to her chin, hoping they were covered.

"Um, where's Nathan?" Deb asked her. Allie looked around the room before looking at her, "Umm, I think he should be at your house by now." She answered and Deb nodded before she left. 

She looked at Karen who was giving her the look, "What?" She asked, feigning innocence. Karen smirked, "You wanna tell me why Nathan answered your cell last night?" Karen joked and laughed.

Allie's eyes widened, "Oh my god Karen. It wasn't anything." She tried to defend herself. Karen scoffed, "Sure. Why are you covering your neck then?" Allie threw a rag at her jokingly and put her apron on. "I'm just kidding around with you Allie." Karen said and laughed. "I would invest in some concealer though." Karen said. 


Nathan walked into the cafe and looked for Allie. "She's in the back, I'll go grab her." Karen said and walked off. When Allie walked up to him, he seemed upset. She placed her hand on his shoulder, "Hey, what's wrong?" She asked him. He sighed and grabbed her hand.

"My mom had an affair." He explained to her. She let out a sigh and looked at her boyfriend. "I don't ever remember feeling like this, Allie. I mean, yeah, with my dad but..." He sighed again. Allie squeezed his hand to let him continue. "She abandoned me." He explained to her.

"I'm sorry." Allie said and played with his fingers. "I can't go back there and I can't live with my dad either. I'm screwed." He admitted to his girlfriend. She sighed and let go of his hand to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Maybe not. You could get emancipated. You would live on your own and basically be an adult but you would be free of them." She informed him. He just nodded his head and wrapped his arms around her. "You'll get through this. I'm here for you." She offered to him and he smiled before placing a quick kiss onto her lips.

"You know, my jacket does nothing to cover up those marks on your neck." Nathan jokes which causes Allie to slap his shoulder. "Shut up, it's all your fault anyway." She fired back causing him to laugh and squeeze her arms around her.

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