chapter seven

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Allie was in the CD shop with Lucas and Haley when Nathan found her. "You gonna be okay?" Lucas asked her. "Yeah, I can handle it." She said and Lucas and Haley walked to the other side of the store. "I called your house, your mom said you were here." Nathan started off. "Well, guess I should lie to her from now on." Allie responded, not looking at him.

"Look, I didn't say what Brooke said, okay? She was trying to hook me and Peyton back up so she could get with Lucas. But, I said that I wasn't interested. You can ask Peyton herself. I wouldn't lie to you." Allie looked at him. "Okay." She said. "Great, so... we're cool?" Nathan asked her. She rolled her eyes, "No, we're not." Nathan scoffed. "Well, you believe me right?"

"Yeah, I believe that you're sorry." She clarified for him. "What?" He asked while looking in her eyes. "Look, this whole hanging out and tutoring stuff was fun, but I'm done, just done." She said and walked back to Lucas and Haley.


Allie started her shift at Karen's Cafe, she grabbed some rags and started wiping down the tables. Just then, Brooke walked through the door. Allie let out a sigh, "Brooke, I really don't want to speak to you right now." "I'm sorry, Allie. I really am, I didn't mean to do that." Allie looked at her for a second, "Just leave, Brooke. You did enough damage for a night don't you think?" Allie turned around and was going to walk back through the kitchen doors.

"You're blaming Nathan for something I did, and that's not fair!" Brooke yelled out to her. Allie turned around and looked at her. "Okay, I was drunk and I was pissed about Lucas and Peyton, and I saw you and Nathan together, and you know the rest." Brooke continued. Allie didn't say anything.

"I want to make it up to you." Brooke said, walking closer to her. Allie sighed and went back to wiping her table. "By going away?" Allie asked. Brooke awkwardly laughs, "By hooking you and Nathan up tonight. What's your idea of a perfect date?" Allie sighs and pretends to think for a moment. "Hmm, you getting hit by a bus, Brooke."

Brooke laughs awkwardly again, "He'll be here at 7, have fun." Brooke says and walks out of the cafe. Allie sits down and sighs. "Great." She mumbled.

"Okay, everything is done Karen, catch." Allie said and hugged Karen. "I'm gonna head-" Allie stopped when she saw Nathan waiting outside the cafe door. "Out." She finished and sighed.

Allie walked out of the door and looked at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked while putting her sweater on. "Didn't Brooke tell you I was going to come?" Nathan said. "I didn't want to get screwed over again, so I didn't really listen that much. Listen, I'm not up for whatever you guys have planned tonight alright?"

"I'm not up to anything." Nathan defended. "Look, I apologized, and I told you the truth. The rest is Brooke, she set up this whole serial-date thing." Nathan said. Allie sighed, "I just had a long day okay? I just want to go to bed and sleep." Allie walked closer to Nathan and kissed his cheek, "I promise I'm not mad at you anymore, okay?" Allie began walking to her car.

"Hey, wait up." Nathan jogged behind her and caught up to her. He opened the door and sat in her passenger seat. "What are you doing?" Allie asked him. "You said you wanted to go to bed right, and you're not mad at me anymore right?" Nathan clarified. Allie nodded her head yes. "Well, then you wouldn't mind taking me home." He smirked and put his seatbelt on.

Allie sighed and got in the car as well, starting the engine and driving off to Nathan's house. Once she arrived at Nathan's house she stopped the car. Nathan looked at her and smiled to which she scoffed and laughed. "What?" She asked him and looked at him.

"Nothing, I'm just sorry. I don't really know how to do this because I'm not really like you." Nathan said to her. She furrowed her brows. "What exactly does that mean?" She asked him. "I mean, I screw up a lot alright? I was always attracted to you, but you were too good and too pure for me. I felt like I couldn't taint you with my personality. But, being around you now, I just- I don't want to be that guy anymore." He grabbed a hold of Allie's hands.

She looked at him once more, "Well, who do you want to be Nathan?" She asked him and bit her lip nervously. He sighed and replied, "I wanna be somebody good enough to be seen with you." Allie looked at their intertwined hands, "Well, you should have thought of that before you got with Peyton."

Nathan grabbed her chin and placed his lips on hers. Allie squealed in surprise before closing her eyes and kissing him back. Their lips moved in sync and she felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. Unbeknownst to her, he felt the exact same way.

He pulled away first and looked into her eyes. She gasped, "You shouldn't have done that Nathan." He smiled at her, "I wanted to." Nathan reattached his lips to hers and her arms wrapped around his neck. Pulling on his hair and feeling his hands move down to her waist. Allie pulled back, "You should get inside, I don't want Dan to yell at you."

Nathan groaned, "Ugh, just one more." He said and pecked her lips before pulling away completely. "I'll see you on Monday." He said and winked at her before getting out and closing the door. Allie sighed and leaned back into her seat. She squealed in her seat, she could not believe she was kissing the Nathan Scott.

She let out another sigh and began driving home. When she got home, she went to her room and looked for her phone. She immediately wanted to call Peyton, but an incoming call came instead. She looked at the caller ID, and saw an unknown number.

Hesitantly, she answered it. "Hello?" "Miss me already?" Nathan's voice said over the phone. "Oh my god, Nathan! How did you get my number?" She asked and laid on her bed. "Brooke owed me a favor." Allie laughed and spent the whole weekend talking to him.

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