chapter five

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Before going over to Brooke's, she went to see Lucas. "Hey, you." She said and walked up to him. "Hey." "I really don't want to be like this Luke." She admitted to him. "What do you mean?" He asked. Allie sighed.

"This. Us skirting around each other. I mean, we're friends. You know, when you wanted to join the team, I didn't understand it and I told you that, but I supported you." Lucas looked at her defeatedly. "I know." "So, support me. I'm not willing to risk us. Our friendship over Nathan Scott, we're friends and that's important to me." Lucas sighed.

"There's nothing going on between you two?" He asked. "There is nothing going on. Just tutoring." She reassured him. He smiled at her. "Okay." He wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you." She admitted. "Me too." He said and kissed her head.


Walking with Brooke towards the gymnasium, the two girls were talking about random things. Allie looked up and saw Nathan walking towards her. "Got a sec?" He asked her. She looked at Brooke who nodded and walked off. "Yeah, what's up?" She asked him with a smile. He pulled out a test from his backpack and showed her. "Check that out."

Allie looked at the test and saw in red marker an 84. "Oh my god, an 84! That's so great!" They both chuckled and Nathan held out his arms, waiting for her to hug him. "Yeah." She mumbled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

His arms went around her waist and held onto her figure tighter. Unbeknownst to her, he was staring and smirking at Lucas, who was right behind her. He let go of her once Lucas walked away and smiled at her.


On the side of the court, she had her poms poms in her hands cheering. She finally saw Lucas and decided to cheer him on. "Lucas! Luke!" He wasn't looking at her, almost as if he was trying to ignore her.

She sighed and yelled out, "Hey, Scott!" He finally looked at her, but Nathan also turned to look. Feeling awkward, she just smiled at the both of them. Lucas scoffed and turned back around. What was his deal, they just made up hours before the game. She had to find out what happened in between then because she thought they were fine.

During half time of the game, Allie went to find Lucas. She found him in the locker room and called out his name. "Luke? Are you mad at me? What's going on?" She asked him. He turned around towards her harshly. "I don't want to talk about it right now." He said coldly.

"Okay, can you just tell me what I did, please?" She pleaded with him. She didn't understand how he could go from hugging her to being mad within four hours of each other. "I saw you with him." Lucas admitted to her. "WIth who? Nathan?" Allie asked.

"He got a good grade on a math quiz! It was nothing." She defended. Lucas sighed and looked back at the girl. "I wanna believe you Allie, I do. But I don't think you're telling the truth." He concluded. "Look, you know I like him, but I swear it was nothing. I'm telling the truth, there's nothing going on." Allie said again.

Lucas looked down at her wrist and saw the bracelet Nathan had given her on their first tutoring session. He scoffed again. "Nice bracelet." And with that, he ran off back to the court. Allie sighed and looked at the bracelet before going back to where the cheerleaders were.

For the rest of the game, Allie didn't pay attention. She only let out cheers when the rest of the stadium did. All that was running through her mind was Lucas and Nathan. How could she fix it with Lucas if she was still tutoring Nathan.

"You didn't beat me dad. You never will." She heard Nathan say to Dan. Immediately she looked on the court to where he was, seeing Nathan and Dan staring each other down before Nathan dropped the ball and left the court.

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