chapter four

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Allie and Nathan sat at the beach enjoying the sound of crashing waves. No words were spoken, but Nathan had felt a shift in perspective when he looked at the girl next to him. The way her hair was softly blowing in the wind, her eyelashes that made her eyes pop out, her outfit that complimented her figure.

Suddenly. Nathan draped his jacket over Allie's shoulder. The big jacket covered her figure and drowned her in it. Allie smiled at him and ran her fingers through her hair. It was just a jacket, but to her, it meant everything. Almost as if Nathan Scott was claiming her as his own. And for once in her life, she felt selfish enough to keep it on her.

"Well, I should head back. Thanks again Nate." Allie got up and walked back over to the house. She searched around for Lucas, hoping to find him and her sister. Lucas and Haley were hanging out by the kitchen, and Allie saw Lucas flip a photo of Nathan and his father down. She walked up towards them, "What happened?" She asked.

Lucas noticed the jacket around Allie and let out a scoff. Why was she wearing his asshole brother's jacket?

Lucas sighed. "Same old crap. He thinks that if he keeps hammering me, I'll quit the team." Allie crossed her arms over her body. "What did he do this time?" "He made some feeble comments." Haley answered. Allie let out a groan. "I'm not gonna let it get to me." Lucas added.

"Yeah, that's working out well for you." Allie joked and caused the three of them to laugh. "Luke... have you guys actually ever talked?" She continued. "Yeah, we share emails too. Nice jacket." Lucas scoffed and walked away.

"What's up with him? I was just trying to help." Allie asked her sister as they both watched him walk away. "He's just upset because he feels like you're taking Nathan's side. I mean, you are wearing his jacket" Haley answered and grabbed her sister's arm. "I was outside, and it was cold. He noticed and gave me his jacket." Allie defended herself. Haley laughed, "Right, c'mon, let's go home."

As they walked over towards the front door, Nathan grabbed a hold of Allie's other arm. "Are you leaving?" He asked the girl. Allie sighed and looked at her sister, nodding towards her. Haley took the hint and walked away.

"Nathan, you promised you were gonna be nice." She said to the boy in front of her. "I am nice. I invited him to this stinkin' party, didn't I?" He defended. Allie scoffed.

"What for? So you can pick on him in public?" Allie said, raising her voice. "He's really upset, god! What did you say anyway?" Nathan sighed.

"Oh, man, is that what-" Nathan walked around her. "I made a lame joke. I mean, look, the guys sometimes we get kind of raw with each other." He continued and looked straight into Allie's eyes. "I was just trying to include him. He took it the wrong way."

Allie rolled her eyes. "Well, maybe you should rethink your approach." "Well, you're his friend. How should I handle this?" He asked. "It's easy. Stop being such a... jerk." Allie replied and walked off.

Nathan furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the ground. Suddenly, he smirked and walked over to his tv. He looked around for a tape, and finally found it. He put the tape in, and smiled a devilish smile while looking straight at Allie.

Karen's voice could be heard on the tv. Allie opened her eyes wide and saw a tape of Karen and Dan at their prom. She saw Lucas come in with Peyton trailing behind him. She shook her head and scoffed. "Find another tutor, asshole." Allie said towards the boy and walked off.

"Allie, wait!" Nathan said and followed her. "Stay away from me." Allie grabbed her sister's arm and walked towards the direction of her house. "What happened?" Haley asked innocently.

"Same old Nathan and Lucas stuff." Allie grumbled. Haley just let out a hum and the two sisters walked home in silence.


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