chapter two

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Allie knocked on Peyton's front door and waited for the door to open. After waiting for a couple of seconds, the door opened and she looked up expecting Brooke or Peyton, but to her surprise it was Nathan. "Hey Allie, what are you doing here?"

Allie stuttered before answering. "I- uh Brooke called and said that Peyton needed us, is she here?" Nathan let out a soft chuckle, "Nah, Peyton's good now. We just had a little fight, that's all. See you tomorrow at school." Nathan shut the door in front of her face and she let out a scoff.

Grabbing her phone and dialing Brooke's cell, she waited for the girl to pick up. "Oh my god, Allie. I totally forgot to call and tell you not to go over to Peyton's anymore." Allie looked on the ground and began kicking the little rocks.

"Um yeah, I ran into Nathan Scott instead of my best friends." She scoffed again. "Yeah, on my way there Peyton said not to come anymore and I forgot to call you, I'm so sorry A." Allie rolled her eyes, "It's fine B, I'll see you tomorrow." The girl hung up the phone and made her way towards her car.


Allie, Haley, and Lucas were sitting in the library studying before Coach Whitey came. "Scott!" Allie looked up and heard Nathan answer. "Yes, coach?"

Coach Whitey clicked his teeth before continuing. "Not you." He pointed towards Lucas, "You. Come with me." The students shared a confused look while Lucas gathered his things to follow Coach Whitey. "Good luck." Allie offered and went back to studying.

"What was that about?" Haley asked. "I'm not sure, hopefully something good." Allie replied not looking up from her book.

She looked at Peyton, who only smirked at her. Confused, she packed up her things. "Hey, I'll see you later." She said to her twin before walking towards her locker.

"Hey! Wait up!" She heard a voice from behind her. Turning around she saw Nathan following her. "What's up Nathan?" She crossed her arms around her chest and smiled at him. Nathan smirked before walking closer to the girl. The more steps he took the father back she stepped until her back was pressed up against a locker.

Nathan placed his hand on the sides of her face and leaned in close to her ear. "Tell your friend Lucas to watch his back." He softly chuckled and walked away, but not before giving her a wink. Allie let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding.

"What was that?" She heard a voice and looked towards where the voice came from. Her heart dropped when she noticed Lucas and Peyton standing on the opposite side. "It's not what it looked like, please." Lucas let out a scoff before walking away.

Peyton turned to walk away. "Peyton please!" Allie called and ran after her. "It's cool A. I saw everything, he initiated it. It's fine, don't worry about it." She said and wrapped her hand around Allie's arms. "You sure?" The girl asked, confused. "Yeah, don't worry about it. Love you, see you later."

Allie ran after Lucas, hoping to find him on campus still. After searching for awhile, she headed out to River Court, knowing that's where he'd be for sure. Driving up, she could see Lucas playing basketball with all the guys and Haley sitting on the bench.

Walking up to them she cleared her throat, "Luke, can we talk?" Lucas sighed and looked at her before nodding and walking off with the girl. They sat down on the bench next to Haley and looked at each other. "Look, I didn't even know what he was doing, and I was shocked. I didn't know what to do." "Allie I-" Lucas interrupted.

"No! Luke, you know I would never do that to you, I mean come on I would never sneak around with him without letting you know." She continued. Lucas grabbed a hold of her shoulders to stop her from ranting. "I know Alles, don't worry. Peyton explained everything." Lucas said and hid a smile.

"Oh thank god, Peyton- wait Peyton? As in Peyton Sawyer?" Allie asked for clarification. Lucas nodded his head yes sheepishly, "Oh my god, Luke! That's amazing. You've liked her for like 10 years." Allie babbled. Lucas laughed and slightly pushed her head.

"Shut up." He grumbled. "What did Whitey want anyway?" Allie asked the boy. "Uh, he wants me on the team." Lucas answered hesitantly. The twins both let out excited gasps. "What? That's great isn't it Luke?" Allie asked him. "I'm not doing it." Lucas simply answers.

"What? Are you crazy?" Skills said. "You have to play Luke." Haley added on. Lucas sighed, "I am playing, I'm playing right here. This is where we belong." He concluded. Skills scoffed. "Nah man, we belong here, YOU don't. You wanna shoot for teams right? Now's your chance." Skills said and continued playing.


When Allie arrived at school, Brooke and Peyton were waiting for her at her parking spot. Once she got her bag, she stepped out of her car. "What's up?" She asked while walking up to the two girls. "You haven't heard yet?" Brooke asks. Allie looked at them with a confused look.

"Heard what?" She replied. "Nathan challenged Lucas to a one-on-one game tonight." Peyton said with a scoff. "What? Why?" Allie asked and searched for her phone through her bag. "Apparently if Nathan wins, Lucas can't join the team, but if Lucas wins, then he can join the team." Peyton clarified.

Allie finally found her phone and excused herself. "I'm sorry, I have to go call Lucas, I'll catch up to you guys later." Allie said and walked off, calling Lucas on her phone. In her haste to find Lucas, she wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." She said and bent down to pick up the books that fell. She stood up, going to pass the books along when she saw Nathan in front of her. "It's alright, I don't mind." "Nathan..." Allie softly let out when the phone call connected. "Hey Allie, what's up?" She could hear Lucas's voice from her phone.

Snapping out of her daze she tried to turn around to talk to Lucas when she felt an arm wrap around her wrist. "Hey, wait." She heard him say. "Sorry Nathan, I'm a little busy right now." Allie scowled at him and removed Nathan's hold on her wrist. "Sorry Luke, where are you?" She asked and walked away from Nathan.

Nathan let out a sigh and stared at her walk away from him. Even though he knew she was looking for his half brother, it still bothered him that she wouldn't give him the time of day. Reluctantly he walked over to Peyton, and together they walked to class.


Allie and Haley arrived at River Court and saw it was full of people. "This is crazy! This is the most I've seen River Court full." Haley jokes and her sister laughs. "Yeah all for a jerk named Nathan Scott." Allie replied. "Wait, don't you like him?" Haley asked when they approached Brooke and Peyton. "He's still a jerk." Alie said.

"Lucas! Lucas! Luke!" Allie called his name. Lucas looked towards the James twins and a smile broke out. He ran towards them. He hugged Haley first before wrapping his arms around Allie. She let out a squeal when he lifted her up and spun her around. "Good luck! I'm counting on you." She said when he put her down. "Thanks, love you my girls." He said to the two sisters before running back to the court.

After an intense match, Lucas had got the upper hand and emerged victorious. "Yes, go Luke!" Allie yelled and ran into his arms. Lucas laughed and caught her, smirking at Nathan when he saw him. "I'm so proud of you." Karen said and hugged him as well. "Let's celebrate at Karen's Cafe." Keith said.

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