chapter three

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Time flew by fast after that. It was already the first game of the season, and the girls were getting ready to cheer at the game. Brooke and Allie stood in the center of the cheerleaders with their poms poms in hands and leading the cheers.

Lucas was playing horribly, which ultimately lead to Coach Whitey benching him for the rest of the game. Allie let out a sigh and groaned in frustration. Peyton stared at her co-captain and shook her head. "Don't worry, it's just not his night." Allie smiled towards her and turned back to watch the game.

After the game ended, Allie looked for Haley. She spotted her sister with Karen and Keith. Allie waved at them while walking towards them. "Is Luke okay?" She asked. All of them shook their heads no and proceeded to walk out of the gym. "Hopefully the next game is better." Allie says to her sister. "I don't think he's going to be in the next one. He's thinking about quitting Alles."

Allie sighed and nodded her head. "Well, let's hope he picks the right choice for him."

The next day at school Allie caught up to Lucas. "Hey there champ." Lucas softly laughed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Hey Alles." "Feeling better?" She asked him while holding his hand that was wrapped around her. He nods his head, "Yeah, much better." Allie laughed and kissed his cheek, "Good."

They both walked to English together and sat in their seats next to each other. "Alright, Peyton. Describe Lucas in one word." The teacher had said. Everyone turned to look at her, including Allie and Lucas. Peyton stared at him before mumbling out "Choke." Everyone in the class had laughed except for Allie and Lucas.

"Alright! Settle down everyone." The teacher had stated. "Lucas, care to respond?" Lucas looked at Peyton for a brief moment before answering, "Lonely." There was a chorus of ohhhs heard around the room. Allie reached over and placed her hands on Lucas before flashing him a smile, which he returned.

Nathan, who sat behind Lucas, had seen their whole interaction. With gritted teeth and a clenched jaw, he raised his hand. "Yes, Nathan?" The teacher asked him. "I can describe Lucas in one word." Nathan said and looked straight at Lucas. "Bastard." He said and smirked.

Allie stood up quickly. "What's wrong with you?!" She said and walked towards his desk. "Allie, stop." Lucas said, trying to grab her waist. "No, listen here you jackass. It could've easily been you. Your asshole of a dad could have married Karen, and you would've been left a bastard." Allie spat out looking straight at Nathan. He let out an amusing chuckle.

"Lucas, get your girl on a leash." He replied and before anything else could happen, Lucas had tackled Nathan to the ground and the two started fighting. The teacher eventually stopped them and sent them to the principal's office.

"Sorry Peyton, but Lucas is my friend. I couldn't just sit there and watch YOUR boyfriend make fun of him." Allie said before grabbing her bag and leaving class. She decided to ditch the rest of the day.


The next day at school was a game day. Allie came in her uniform with Lucas's jersey number written on her face. She thought Lucas could use the cheer up. As she was walking towards her locker, she saw Brooke and Peyton. "Hey girls." She said and opened up her locker. Brooke smiled.

"Hey, what's up with you? Standing up for Lucas in class?" Brooke teased. Allie whipped her head towards Peyton. "You told her?" She said to the blonde girl. "Wha- she's our best friend, I had to." Peyton defended. Allie let out a sigh. "Nathan was just being a jerk like usual." She said, "Oh. I'll catch up with you guys later." Peyton said and walked away.

Brooke came closer to the girl. "I thought you liked Nathan? Why are you defending Lucas?" Allie put her books in her locker. "I do like him, but sometimes he's just so mean, and for no reason too. I hate the way he treats Lucas and I hate the way he treats Peyton too. I wish I didn't like him, that would make my life 1000x easier." Allie concluded and grabbed Brooke's arm.


Allie was in the tutoring center working on her math homework when she felt someone sit next to her. She looked up and saw Nathan. Letting out a scoff she began to pack up her things. "No, please." Nathan said and grabbed her arm. "Just listen to me. Please?" Nathan pleaded looking into her eyes and giving her the puppy eyes. Allie sat back down and nodded at him to continue.

"Listen, I'm failing alright, and I need someone to tutor me." He said. She let out another scoff. "Okay and? What does that have to do with me?" Nathan sighed. "Can you please tutor me?" He asked. Allie shook her head no. "No way, not after the way you've been treating Lucas." Allie once again began packing her things. "Please? I promise I'll stop making his life miserable." Nathan bargained. Allie stared at him before continuing.

"And Peyton, you need to treat her better because frankly, she deserves better than you." Nathan nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, 7am at the Market Street Dock." Allie said and got up to leave. "What about here?" Nathan asked. "No way! The dock, take it or leave it." "Okay, the dock." Nathan said and smiled at her. Allie nodded and walked off.

She was trying to find Peyton or Lucas to let them know what was happening. She finally found Peyton sitting down and working on her sketches. "Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" Peyton looked up and nodded her hand.

"Alright, listen. Nathan asked me to tutor him because apparently if he fails he's going to be off the team. And, I just wanted to make sure that this is okay with you. If not, I can always just ask Haley to tutor him." Peyton laughed. "A. James, it's fine. Why do you keep asking me for permission when it comes to Nathan?" She laughed.

"Well because he's your boyfriend." Allie stated obviously. Peyton looked at the girl. "Listen it's fine, I trust you. You're my girl." She stated. Allie nodded and together they walked to their cars.


Allie sat at the dock waiting for Nathan. She had set up all of the books and worksheets already, she was just waiting on him, who was five minutes late already. Nathan walked up to her with two cups of coffee. "Breakfast of champions. Want some?" He asked and sat across from her.

Allie shook her head no. "You're late." Nathan laughed and started opening the Cracker Jack box. He took out a small package. "Oh, please let this be a cheat sheet." He opened up the package and revealed a bracelet with different colors and charms.

He grabbed Allie's wrist and smiled. "It's for you." Allie scoffed. "Stop it." She said and pulled her wrist back. "Come on, please?" Nathan asked and showed his puppy eyes to her again. She let him grab her wrist and slip the bracelet on her.

He looked into her eyes and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Don't say I never gave you anything." He smirked. Allie moved her chin away from him, "Wha-whatever, let's get started on math."


It was another game day, and the gymnasium was filled with people. This time, Lucas scored the winning shot, which caused Nathan to get mad. "Yeah! Go, Luke!" Allie cheered. She ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm so proud of you!" She yelled and caused Lucas to laugh.


Peyton, Brooke, and Allie were getting ready for the beach party that Nathan was throwing. Allie had thrown on a black mini skirt and a red long sleeve along with some makeup. They took Peyton's car to the party, and when they got there, she immediately went for a drink.

After three cups of whatever alcohol mix Nathan had she was feeling pretty buzzed. The three cheerleaders were dancing to the music when Allie felt the urge to throw up. She quickly ran towards the beach and started puking. Suddenly she felt a hand on her back start rubbing to soothe her. After throwing up, she looked up and saw Nathan. "Thanks." She mumbled.

"It's no problem." He replied.

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