chapter fifteen

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Allie pulled up into Nathan's driveway when she saw Deb and Dan arguing with Nathan standing right in front of them. Rushing out of her car, she ran over to where Nathan was and grabbed his arm. "What's going on?" Nathan asked and squeezed her hand.

"Your mother's on crack. She changed the locks to my house." Dan spat out, staring straight at Deb. "Will you open the damn door?" He asked angrily. Allie looked up at her boyfriend and saw a frown on his face. "No, you have to leave!" Deb yelled out from across the door.

"Fine. Come on Nathan and Allie, I'll buy you guys breakfast." Dan said, walking over towards the couple. Following Dan, Deb opened the door. "Nathan." She exclaimed, grabbing his arm. "Hey, do you mind? I need to talk to my son." Dan shouted, causing Allie to hide behind her boyfriend.

"Yes, I do mind!" Deb shouted back to him. Dan and Deb started shouting over each other causing Nathan to get angry. He walked in between them, "Alright! Stop it! Stop! You guys don't get to decide who I live with alright? I do." He said.

"What are you talking about?" Dan asked him. "Look it up, it's not your decision. All I have to do is take my case to the judge. And right now, I don't know if I wanna live with either of you two." Nathan explained and walked over to Allie. He grabbed her hand and they both made their way inside the house.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." Nathan said and sat on the counter. Allie walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's okay. I'm sorry your parents are fighting." She said and pulled him in closer, bringing him into a hug. "I'll always be here." She said into his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed.


Allie was cleaning up the cafe when she heard the door open. She turned and saw Nathan standing there. "Hey you." She said to him. "Hey, you're still here." Nathan said and walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her.

"Yeah, are you okay?" She asked him and grabbed his face. "Whatever I said the last time you asked me that question probably still applies." He admitted to her. "Want some coffee, there's some left if you want to talk about it." She said and looked into his eyes.

"Actually I'm kind of tired of talking about it." He admitted to her once again. She nodded and got out of his embrace to take off her apron. She walked back over to him and placed him on the table. He sat down and she stood in between his legs with her arms wrapped around his neck. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked him.

"Well I was thinking about what you said, about living in the moment. I realized that if I'm going to live in the moment, I want to live in it with you." He said and grabbed her hips. She felt him run his hands up and down on her hips and she smiled.

Nathan slowly leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back and softly smiled into the kiss before pulling away and staring at him. "I love you so much." Nathan said to her. She gasped and looked at him. "Really?" He chuckled, "Of course I do, you dork." He said and booped her nose. "I love you too." She said to him and placed her lips to his again.

Her phone started ringing and she pulled away. "No, just ignore it." Nathan said and placed his lips on hers again. She giggled and kissed him back. Her phone went off and suddenly Nathan's started ringing. He let out a groan and grabbed his phone. Looking at the caller ID he looked at Allie confused. "It's Brooke."

He answered the phone, "Brooke?" "Hey Nate, are you with Allie right now?" The couple could hear her crying over the phone. "Uh yeah, I'll give the phone to her."  Nathan handed Allie the phone and she took it. "Brooke, what's wrong?" Nathan walked around Allie and placed his arms around her in a back hug.

"Can you come over? I just need a friend right now." She sobbed over the phone. "Um yeah, I'll be there in 15 minutes." Brooke ended the phone call and Allie handed the phone back to her boyfriend. "I think she found out about Luke and Peyton." She explained.

Nathan sighed and placed a kiss on top of her head. "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow. If you need anything, just call me." She said and turned around to face him. She took a hold of his face and brought him down to place one last kiss on him.


Allie walked into Brooke's room and saw her snuggled up in her bed. "Oh Brooke." Allie said and climbed on her bed to cuddle the girl. Brooke turned in her hold and placed her head into Allie's chest. "He was with Peyton. Lucas and Peyton." Brooke explained with sobs in between.

Allie rubbed her back and stayed there, just letting her cry. "I'm so sorry, Brooke." Allie said with tears in her eyes. Brooke sniffled and continued crying in her friend's embrace. "I'm so stupid." Brooke said once again and wrapped her arms around her friend. Allie squeezed her and sighed.

A while later Brooke finally had fallen asleep on Allie. She slowly let go of Brooke and placed Brooke's head on her pillow. Allie sighed and stared at the girl in front of her. "I love you B. Davis." She said and was about to get up when Brooke held onto her wrist. "I love you too." She said and closed her eyes again.

Allie decided to spend the night at her friend's house but wanted to call Nathan first. She walked out onto Brooke's porch and called her boyfriend. "Hey, how's Brooke doing?" Nathan asked her over the phone.

Allie sighed, "Not good. I think I'm gonna stay with her tonight but I wanted to call you and make sure you're okay." She said to him. He chuckled, "I'm okay I promise. I love you." He said to her, causing a smile to form on her lips. "I love you too, goodnight." Allie said and hung up the phone.

"Nathan?" She heard a voice ask from behind her. She turned to look and saw Brooke walking up to her. "Yeah, just checked in on him." She said and held out her arm so Brooke could sit next to her. Brooke placed herself next to  her friend and wrapped the blanket around both of them.

"I knew." Allie said. Brooke looked at her confused. "I knew about Lucas and Peyton. I found out right before his accident. That's why we were fighting in the first place." Brooke nodded her head in acknowledgement.

"I told him to tell you. Said that I was gonna stick by your side when you found out because I didn't like what they did. It's not right." Allie concluded and Brooke snuggled closer to her. "Thank you." She said to her and together they sat in silence.

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