chapter ten

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Nathan has his arm wrapped around Allie as they watch Jake finish performing. The last chord plays and everyone in the cafe cheers and applauses him. "I can't believe he has a daughter." Nathan says to Allie. "Yeah, it's kind of crazy, but he seems like a great father to me." Allie says and grabs Nathan's hand that was wrapped around her.

Allie looks at Jake and sees Peyton talking to him. "Well at least Peyton's getting her mind off Lucas." Allie says to Nathan. "What are you talking about? I thought Lucas and Peyton were like a thing." Nathan says with a confused look.

"Nate, you cannot be serious right now." Allie gestures to Brooke and Lucas who is currently sitting on the couch practically cuddling. "What? When did that happen?" Nathan asked and looked at them. "Oh my god Nate." Allie pokes his side and walks away.

Allie goes up to Peyton and smiles. "So, you and Jake huh?" Allie asked her while cooing at Jenny. "Um I don't know, I just figured it's better than moping about Brooke and Lucas all day." Peyton says and laughs. "Well I'm happy for you." Allie says and hugs the blonde girl.

Allie walks back to Nathan and grabs his hand, placing a kiss on his lips. Lucas walks up to them and clears his throat. They pull away from each other and look at Lucas. He looks at Nathan, "Listen man, some of the boys and I are gonna go run down at the river court. Wanted to know if you and the team wanted to come."

Nathan looks at him confused, "Why?" "Because it's fun. Don't you remember?" Lucas replies and Nathan nods his head in agreement. Lucas leaves and Allie stares up at Nathan who is already smiling at her. She pushes her hip against his and makes him laugh. "Glad you guys are somewhat talking." She says and hugs him while he embraces her as well.

"Alright ladies and gentleman, give it up for Gavin DeGraw." Haley's voice can be heard from the stage. Everyone applauses and welcomes them to the stage. Allie looks around the cafe and realizes that all the people important to her are right here in this cafe.

She has her friends, her sister, and her boyfriend, what more could she ask for? She looks around to the couch and sees Brooke with Lucas, then her eyes shift to Peyton who has Jenny in her arms talking to Jake, and finally, she looks up at her boyfriend, Nathan Scott.

A guy who single handedly ruined one of her best friends' life at the start of high school, a guy who she had to tutor because if she didn't he would've lost his dream of playing basketball.

But she also saw a guy who does what he believes in, a guy who was mentally stronger than any other person she knew. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Nathan says, snapping her out of her thoughts.

She smiles and shakes her head. "Nothing, just feeling happy tonight." She says to him and he laughs, placing a kiss on her forehead and they go back to enjoying the performance.

After the performance, people started leaving. "I'll see you at river court yeah?" Lucas asked Allie. "Yeah, let me just help clean up real quick and we'll be on our way." Lucas nodded his head and walked out with Brooke. Allie and Nathan quickly helped Deb and Keith clean up the cafe before heading out to her car.

"Let me drive, you've been up on your feet this whole day." Nathan offered to Allie. She smiled and pulled her keys from her bag and handed it to him. "Don't crash my baby please." Allie says. He scoffs, "I thought I was your baby?" He said and got in the driver's seat. "You're number two, she will always be my number one." Allie says and kisses the dashboard of her car.

Nathan laughs and pushes her head before starting the engine and driving to river court. When they arrived, Nathan immediately grabbed Allie's hand and made their way over to where everyone was. Nathan kissed her cheek and let go of her hand to get ready to play,

Allie made her way to Brooke, Peyton, and Haley who were all sitting on Peyton's bumper. As she walked up, she noticed Jenny sitting with them. She cooed and walked up closer to Jenny to pinch her cheeks. Suddenly Peyton gets off the car and grabs the basketball that rolled over to us. Looking up, she sees Jake standing there.

She shyly passes the ball to him and Brooke takes a picture. The girls laugh and joke about Peyton and Jake. "Give me this." Haley says and gets in front of the three girls to take a picture of them. Nathan makes a basket and Allie cheers for him, "Go Nate!" She yelled and got his attention. He winked at her and blew her a kiss before going back to the game.

"Always a cheerleader at heart." Brooke said. The girls laughed and started cheering when Jake made a basket, even Jenny screamed. Peyton cooed and picked the little girl up out of her car seat and let her watch her father play basketball.

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