chapter seventeen

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(a/n: This show was made in the very early 2000s and teen girls cared about how they looked a lot back then. There's a scene where Allie talks about adding weight to her body, but please remember that your body is perfect no matter the weight or size.)

Allie was wearing one of Nathan's basketball jackets over her tank top and sweats. Her belly button piercing on full display. They had cheer practice early in the morning since they had to cheer at a basketball game and compete in the cheer competition.

She stood opposite of the cheerleaders while they cheered to look for any imperfections. "Brooke, it seems a little sloppy." She said to her co-captain. Brooke groaned out in frustration. Before she could say anything else Nathan approached her.

"Hey, how'd it go?" She asked her boyfriend who greeted her with a kiss. "I got the apartment." He informed her. She squealed and wrapped her arms around his neck. "That's great!" She yelled out excitedly. He chuckled, "Drained my savings and paid first and last month's rent. It's mine on Sunday." He explained to her.

"I'm glad." She said and he placed his lips on her again. "Allie, hello?! Practice, remember?" She heard Brooke from next to her. She groaned and kissed her boyfriend one last time. "I'll see you later." She said to him and let go of him.

"Nathan , while I appreciate you interrupting our practice, we'd better get back to it." Brooke said to him. He laughed, 'Sorry Brooke, want a kiss too?" He offered jokingly. Allie hit his chest, "Get out of here." She said to him and laughed. He kissed her head once more before leaving.

"Alright! Everyone arms up!" Brooke said to them. Allie and Brooke walked around observing everyone's 'T' pose. "Theresa, terrible posture. Pinch that penny." Brooke said and walked over to Bevin. "You need a breath mint." She heard Brooke say.

Allie walked over to Peyton, "Let's hope she stops freezing you out soon." She said to Peyton with a hopeful smile. Peyton scoffed jokingly, "Yeah, I doubt it." Brooke walked over and Allie stepped back. "Peyton... nice form. An excellent betrayal of a best friend." She pettily said and walked away.

"Wrong. Wrong. You guys this weekend are the Classics, it's our biggest cheer competition. Aren't you sick of Claire Young and the Bear Creek Warriors taking home the trophy every year? Because I am." Brooke spat out in frustration. "We need to get it together here and I'm not just talking about the team." Allie sighed.

"I'm talking hair, nails... underarms, Theresa." Brooke said annoyingly. "Brooke cheerleading is supposed to be fun." Bevin saud. Brooke scowled at her, "Yeah? Well winning's funner. And if you don't like it you can go cheer for the wrestling team."

Allie grabbed Brooke's arm, "B, calm down. It's fine, we'll get it together." She tried to comfort the brunette. Brooke sighed and smiled gratefully at her before looking at her neck.

"Allie! You seriously need to get more concealer." Brooke said and pulled down Nathan's jacket, revealing the marks on her neck to the whole team. 

"Brooke!" Allie yelled and tried to zip the jacket back up but Brooke held on tighter. "Guess cheerleading isn't the only exercise you've been doing huh?" Peyton teasingly said. Allie scoffed and looked at her. "Woah, Allie. I don't think there's enough concealer in the world  that is going to cover that up." Bevin said.

"Okay, this is not about me." Allie defended herself. "No, it's about Nathan Scott branding my co-captain right before a big competition." Brooke said and looked back at Allie. "I'll cover them alright?" Allie said to her while zipping up Nathan's jacket.

Brooke sighed again, "I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." Allie nodded, "Yeah, I know." "Take five!" Brooke yelled out and turned to Allie. "Okay, you know what? You hate me, I get it. Fine. But don't take it out on our squad." Peyton said to her.

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