chapter eighteen

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It was the annual Boy Toy Auction and Allie wasn't planning on "buying" anybody, not even her boyfriend. She walked in and saw Peyton with Haley. "Hey girls, who are you bidding on tonight?" She asked walking up to them.

"I think I'm going to bid on Jake." Peyton admitted and smiled sheepishly. "Well, that's surprising...not." Allie exclaimed and laughed. "Oh whatever." Peyton said and pushed Allie playfully. "What about you, Hales?" She asked the girl. "Actually I was thinking about Nathan?" Haley asked her sister.

"Woah going after our sister's boyfriend Hales?" Peyton asked. Haley laughed, "No, no. I just haven't spoken to him at all and if he's trying to become my brother-in-law, I feel like I should know him." Haley said and looked at Allie who only nodded her head.

"Knock yourself Hales, I trust you." She said to her sister who laughed. "Trust me sis, that gravy train is all yours. I just wanna scare him a bit, that's all." Haley said and looked at the flyer. "Who's next anyway?" Allie asked. "Oh no, Tim." All of the girls said together in disgust.

Tim walked out and attempted to strip. He started shaking his butt around and starting dancing around causing Allie to cover her eyes and laugh. Deb ended up bidding eight dollars on him because she felt bad.

Next up was Jake, who Peyton fought tooth and nail to bid on. She eventually got him and smiled happily. Up next was Lukas who looked like he didn't want to be there. He awkwardly started dancing until someone bidded $115 on him.

Then was Nathan who showed up in his basketball training outfit. He walked over to Allie and winked when he saw her, throwing his glasses at her. She laughed at him and caught them. She could hear cheers for him as he ripped his pants off.

He teased and ripped his shirt off throwing it at Allie. "Eighty five!" She heard someone say. She quickly looked around to see who bid on him. Everyone started yelling out numbers going even higher. "Haley, you have to buy him!" Allie shouted. "I don't have that much."

Allie frantically dug in her purse and found a 20 dollar bill. She quickly gave it to her sister who shouted "$112.53!" Whitey banged the gavel "Sold!" "Yes! Ha!" Allie screamed at the girls and looked at Nathan. He only smirked and winked at her before walking off the stage.

Brooke ran in frantically "Wait! Wait!" Whitey looked at her, "I'm sorry all out of flesh." He said. Mouth walked onto the stage to start cleaning up. "I got $5 on the guy with the mic." Whitey looked and laughed, "Do I hear ten?" "$10!" Someone shouted. The bids were getting higher until someone shouted "$150!" Allie walked over to Brooke and handed her $50. Brooke stood up, "I've got $200!" Whitey banged the gavel again, "Sold!"

Brooke squealed and hugged Allie, "Come on, come with us." She said and dragged Allie to Mouth. Before leaving with them, she found Nathan talking to Haley, Peyton, and Jake. "Hey, you." Nathan said to her and wrapped his arm around her. He kissed her on the lips quickly. "Don't kill him please." She joked to her sister before placing another kiss on him and leaving with Brooke and Mouth.

"So Mouth? You have two lovely ladies waiting on you. What would you like to do?" Allie asked and he laughed. "Let's go get a tattoo!" Brooke claimed and the three of them laughed. "Okay, let's go!" Allie said and they all got into Brooke's car.


They got to the tattoo shop and walked in. "What are you thinking of getting?" Mouth asked the girls. "I'm not sure. Why don't you guys pick for me?" Allie asked them. "Are you serious?" Brooke asked and looked at her. "Yeah, why the hell not?" Allie exclaimed and looked around.

"How about we pick each other's tattoos?" Mouth suggested. "Brooke can pick yours, you can pick mine, and I'll pick Brooke's." Mouth finished. "Sounds fun, let's do it." Brooke said and laughed. Allie walked over to the book of sketches and looked for a perfect one for Mouth. She saw a tattoo of a small microphone, she decided that was the one.

"Okay, I got yours Mouth!" She exclaimed and laughed. "Great, cause I found Brooke's." He said back. Brooke groaned, "None of these are good! None of these are the perfect one." She said. "Why is it so hard?" She asked and then gasped. "I got it, oh my god I'm a genius." Brooke said and grabbed Allie and Mouth's arms. "Come on!"

Allie laid down on her stomach on the chair. "I cannot believe you are making me get a tramp stamp." She said to Brooke who laughed at her. "Oh come on! You'll love it." She said and held on to Mouth's arm. Allie was the last to get her tattoo.

They all agreed to surprise each other with their new tattoos so Mouth and Brooke waited for Allie to be done. Allie held on tightly to their hands as the needle started piercing her lower back. Once the tattoo artist was done, he wrapped a piece of plastic with Vaseline around hers.

"In a few minutes, you guys should be good to leave. Feel free to just hangout until then." The tattoo artist said and left them in the room. "Brooke, I swear if it's an ugly tattoo, I am going to kill you." Allie exclaimed and laughed. "It's not, I promise you'll love it."


Finally three teens were revealing their tattoos to each other. Brooke went first. She unwrapped the piece of cloth from her finger and gasped. "Oh my god, Mouth!" She exclaimed. She excitedly showed her tattoo to Mouth and Allie.

A little butterfly was inked onto the side of her middle finger. "I love it, thank you so much!" She said and hugged Mouth, who smiled and hugged her back. "Okay Mouth, your turn." Allie said to him.

He unwrapped the piece of cloth from his forearm and saw the small microphone. "Since you want to become a sports announcer one day, I wanted you to have that. Whenever you feel like giving up, look at that tattoo and remember this night. A night where one girl believed in you." She concluded to him.

Mouth looked at her and smiled, "Thank you, Allie. It's great." He said and hugged her. "Okay, well now I seem like an asshole." Brooke jokingly said. "Come on, reveal your tattoo." She said and turned her around.

She unwrapped the cloth and turned Allie's lower back to show Mouth. Mouth gasped, "Oh my god, Brooke Davis." He said and let out the biggest laugh ever. Allie turned around frantically. "What? What? Is it bad, let me see." She said and ran to the mirror.

She turned her back to the mirror and saw a 23 tattooed onto her lower back. She gasped and looked at Brooke. "Brooke, are you serious right now?" She asked and laughed. "Nathan's jersey number above my ass?" She asked and Brooke shrugged.

"He'll think it's hot." Brooke said and laughed. "Oh come on, it'll be a great memory for us." Brooke concluded and grabbed onto her shoulders. "It looks great, don't worry about it." Mouth said and the three teenagers left the tattoo shop to continue the night.

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