chapter thirteen

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Allie and Lucas were talking in his room, just catching up. "So you and Brooke huh?" Allie asked him and gave him a teasing smile. "Yeah, she's great." Lucas said and looked away from the girl. "Well, I'm glad you're happy and not moping about Peyton anymore." Allie said and hugged her friend.

Just then Brooke walked in, "Hi boyfriend. Hi girl who's not his girlfriend because she's dating his brother." Brooke joked and walked up to them. "Nice to see you too Brooke." She let go of Lucas and hugged the girl. "I'll leave you two alone." She offered and smirked at Brooke before leaving to Nathan's house.

Allie walked into Nathan's room, seeing him still asleep. She removed his blanket from him and slid in next to him. Wrapping her arms around him, she rested her head on his shoulder. She felt him wrap his arms around her and snuggle in closer. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She giggled and got up to look at him. "Best way to wake up." He said and sat up with her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and kissed her quickly. "I need some help, I'm kind of failing in P.E." She said and laughed. "You? You're failing a class?" Nathan chuckled. Allie sighed, "Yeah, and I need to make a free shot or something to pass." Nathan laughed again, "You mean a free throw?"

Allie pushed his head away, "Whatever, you gonna help me or not?" He got up from bed and grabbed a shirt, "Yeah, let's go." He grabbed his basketball and took a hold of her hand. Together, they walked to his car and headed off to the river court.


Allie attempted to make a basket, but instead she air balled the basketball. "This is embarrassing." Allie exclaimed and ran her hands through her hair in frustration. "Wow, I can't be with you anymore." Nathan joked and walked towards her. "I can't do it, I'll just take the F." Allie said and looked at him.

Nathan walked next to her with the ball in his hands, "No, you can do it." He handed her the ball, "Just square your shoulders to the basket and bring the ball up right past your nose." Allie did as her boyfriend said.

"Now, bend your knees a little and relax your hips." He whispered in her ear and placed his hands on her hips in hopes of helping her. "Okay, now shoot." Allie tensed under his hands but sucked in a deep breath, clearing her mind, she shot the ball.

The basketball hit the rim of the basket before flying back towards her. "See, you're getting it already." Allie laughed and grabbed his hands that were on her hips. Nathan leaned in closer to her ear, "It was actually kind of sexy." He kissed her neck and let go of her to grab the ball.


Allie and Nathan were at his house still working on her free throw. "Come on, just focus and shoot the ball." Nathan offered and handed her the ball again. Allie sighed and shot the ball, this time making it into the hoop.

She let out a squeal, "Did you see that?" She yelled and jumped on her boyfriend, wrapping her legs around his waist to hug him. Nathan chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Yeah, my girl's better than Tim now." He joked and kissed her.

Allie giggled into the kiss before kissing him back. They got lost in the moment before hearing a clearing throat. Allie and Nathan turned to the sound and saw Dan. Immediately, Allie jumped off of Nathan and awkwardly stood next to him.

"Hey dad, I was just giving Allie some pointers." He walked and grabbed the basketball. Dan scoffed, "You sure? Didn't seem like it to me." Allie sighed and looked at Nathan, "I should get going." Nathan grabbed her hand, "No, it's okay."

Dan interrupted his son, "So Nathan, I thought we'd grill up some steaks at the beach house for dinner. Just the two of us." He offered while smiling at his son. Nathan gave his dad a smile, "That sounds great dad, but uh, Allie and I already have plans."

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