chapter nineteen

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Allie walked to Nathan's apartment and shoved the key in, unlocking the door. She placed her bag down on the kitchen counter and made her way to his room. She saw him asleep on his bed and walked over to sit down on his bed. Her hands flying to his naked torso.

She placed a quick kiss onto his cheek causing him to stir in his slumber. She smiled when he opened his eyes. "Hey, you." She said to him. He smiled, "I didn't even hear you come in." He said and wrapped his arm around her.

"You didn't hear your alarm clock either." She said to him and laughed. "That's because it didn't go off, not everyone gets up at six babe." He chuckled at her. "Well, it's time to get up." She told him and tried to get up from the bed. He grabbed her arm and pulled her down to him, "I am up, come here."

He placed his lips on her and she smiled before kissing him back. She's kissed him over a hundred times already but she still felt butterflies in her stomach whenever they kissed. His alarm clock went off and Allie pulled away, "I'll get that." She turned towards the alarm clock making her shirt rise up just a bit.

It revealed the tattoo on her lower back and Nathan did a double glance when he caught a glimpse of it. He smirked and looked at her. She turned back towards him, a soft "What?" escaped her lips. He shook his head and chuckled.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer into him. "Do anything new last night?" He asked her while smiling. She laughed, "No. Why are you asking?" She asked him and laughed. "So you've just always been in love with me?" He joked with her.

She giggles, "What are you talking about?" He smiled and got up, dragging her with him to his mirror. He slowly turned her around and raised her shirt up on her back. She gasped, she had forgotten about that tattoo.

She quickly pulls her shirt down and turns around to face the mirror. He laughed at her reaction and wrapped his arms around her from behind, looking at her in the mirror. She sighed in embarrassment, "You weren't supposed to see that."

She shyly said and avoided looking at him in the mirror. He laughed and moved her hair to one side of her neck. Placing kisses on it and moving to her ear. "It's sexy, I like it." He whispered in her ear and smiled. She could feel her cheeks burning with red.

"Nate, we're going to be late for school." She exclaimed and turned around his hold. "Baby, we still have half an hour." He claimed and carried her to his bed. "I can do a lot in 30 minutes." He said and removed her shirt from her body.

He removed his as well and pushed her down to his bed. He slowly leaned into her neck and started kissing her there. She let out a gasp and pulled on the bed sheet beneath her. "I love you." She said to him and ran one of her hands along his back. He pulled away and looked at her, "I love you too."


Allie and Nathan were walking to class hand in hand. "You sold your car?" She asked him and looked at him. "Yeah, I need the money for rent." He answered and smiled. "It's okay, babe. My dad gave it to me anyways." He smiled and Allie frowned.

Brooke approached them and smiled. "Hey, got a sec?" She asked Allie who nodded her head, "Yeah what's up?" "Um, it's kind of private." She said and looked at Nathan smiling. Nathan nodded his head and let Allie's hand go. "I'll catch up with you in a minute." He said to his girlfriend and walked towards Tim.

"What's going on?" She asked Brooke and walked over to a bench. Brooke sighed and looked at Allie, "I think I'm pregnant." Allie gasped, "Oh my god!" She leaned closer into Brooke, "With Lucas?" She whispered to the brunette. Brooke nodded her head yes and began to cry.

"Oh my god." Allie said and hugged the girl. "It's okay, you're gonna be okay." Allie consoled her and looked around for Nathan. He gave her a confused look and Allie smiled awkwardly.

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