chapter eight

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Monday morning at school, she was walking with Brooke and Peyton when she heard her name being called. She turned and saw Nathan behind her. "Hi, gorgeous." Nathan said and kissed her cheek. "Brooke. Peyton." Nathan acknowledges them. "Hey Nate." They both say and look at Allie. "Catch up with you guys later." Allie said as Nathan grabbed her hand and led her to an empty classroom.

He places his hands on her hips and pushes her against the wall. Her arms wrapped around his neck as their lips connected. She smiled into the kiss before pushing him away slightly. "We can't do this here right now!" She squealed and made him laugh.

"We just did." He said and ran his hands up and down on her hips. "Alright, I'll kiss you later." He says and pecks her one last time before leaving. Allie stares at his figure walking away and sighs before pushing herself up off the wall and leaving as well.


Allie walks into Karen's Cafe but to her surprise, she sees Deb there instead of Nathan. "Right, Karen's cooking class in Italy. "Hi, I'm Allie, Haley's twin." Allie introduces herself. Deb smiles, "Yeah, I've seen you around." Allie stutters, "Uh, I know. I just wanted to properly introduce myself." Allie smiles awkwardly which causes Deb to laugh.

"You're cute, it's no wonder my son is so fond of you." She admits and changes the coffee filter. "Thanks, I guess." Allie walks behind the counter and puts her apron on. She didn't see it, but Deb was looking at her with a comforting smile, happy that his son found happiness in her.

The door opened and Allie went to greet them, unfortunately seeing Dan Scott there. "Hi Mr. Scott, can I get you a table?" She asked him. "Uh, no thanks sweetheart." He says and walks to Deb. Allie shrugs and continues working.

That night when Allie finished getting ready for bed, Nathan called. "Hey, did you know my mom was running the cafe?" Nathan hastily asked her. "Um yeah, I saw her earlier today when I went in for work. Does that bother you?" She asked him while doing homework. "Um no I just think it's a little weird considering who Karen is." He says into the phone. "Well, I think-" "I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow." Nathan hung up the phone.

Allie pulled her phone down and looked at it confusingly. "What was that all about?" She mumbled to herself. "Allie, hurry up! Dinner's ready!" Her mom called from downstairs. "Coming!"


"Nathan, are you going to pace back and forth or can we actually get started?" She asked her boyfriend who was walking around her room. He ignored her question and asked one himself. "Are these all of the places you have gone?" She sighed and turned to her computer. "Yeah, we used to travel a lot before my parents decided to ditch us and go off on their own." She said and looked at him sitting on her bed.

"So a month ago, did you think we'd be alone in your bedroom." He asks and smirks at her. She laughs, "Oh, but we're not alone in my bedroom. We have the forefathers with us." She said and lifted herself up from the chair. "They can watch." He said.

"Nathan, can you just get serious for a minute?" She asks him and walks over to the other side of the room to grab another book. "Oh, I'm serious, come here." Nathan says and grabs her wrist before pulling her on one of his thighs. She chuckles before he connects their lips together.

She giggles and kisses him back, feeling him push her down onto her bed. He climbed on top of her and trailed his kisses along her neck. She breathed out and ran her fingers through his hair. His hands slipped inside of her shirt and tried to take it off of her. Before things could go any further, her phone rang.

Allie broke the kiss, reaching for her phone. "Nathan, my phone!" She squealed. He laughed and got up from her, allowing her room to get up and answer her phone. "Sorry, it's Haley. She needs a ride home from Brandon's. It's getting late, maybe you should head out too."

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