chapter twelve

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Allie was fixing the coffee machine when an older guy walked into Karen's Cafe. "Good morning sir, table or counter?" Haley asked him. "Oh no thanks, actually I'm looking for Karen." He stated.

Haley turned back around. "Oh sorry, she's in Italy right now. Cooking school." Haley answered. THe older man nodded his head, "Good for her. How's that boy of hers doing?" "Uh, Lucas is great. Do you want me to leave a message?"

Allie zoned out that rest of the interaction when hot coffee spilled on her. "Ow." She yelped and ran to the back to rinse it off, but not before catching a glimpse of the man Haley was talking to. "Oh sorry Deb." She said when she almost ran into her. "That's alright dear." She said and smiled. "Who was Haley talking to?" She asked. "Oh, I'm not sure. Excuse me." Allie said and walked off.


After her shift, Allie met up with Nathan to hangout. "So, dinner with your grandparents huh? Gonna be pretty bad?" She asked him while holding his hand. "My grandma's okay, my grandpa's pretty intense though. You've met my dad, imagine where he comes from." "Oh god, scary." She says and laughs.

Nathan looks at her, "You should come tonight, maybe it will make everybody behave." Allie lets out an awkward chuckle, "Well do you want me to come?" She asked him. Nathan nodded his head yes, "Of course I want you to come, hopefully my favorite girl can save me from this horrible night." The couple laughed and continued walking, "Okay, I'll come." Allie says and plants a kiss on his cheeks.


Allie was stressing on what she should wear tonight. She was officially meeting Nathan's family and it scared her a little. She decided on a blue mini skirt with a black long sleeve. She applied light makeup and looked for her best black pumps to match the outfit

She finally found the perfect ones and then sprayed perfume on herself before she heard the doorbell ring. She quickly grabbed her bag and opened the door. "Hi gorgeous, you look beautiful." Nathan said and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you, shall we go to this awful dinner that you dread so much?" Allie joked with him. "Let's go." He said and held her hand. On their way to his house she felt nervous. "What's wrong?" He asked her and placed his hand on her thigh to soothe her.

"I'm just worried, what if they don't like me?" She asked and pouted. Nathan laughed, "Trust me, they'll love you." He said and kissed her cheek when a red light came on. "Besides, they'll be too busy arguing with each other." He joked and caused her to let out a giggle.

When they arrived in front of his house, he walked in before her to introduce her. "Grandpa, grandma, this is Allie." Nathan said. His grandpa got up and shook her hand. "Oh, Allie. Nice to meet you." "Hi, nice to meet you too." She said and smiled. It was the same man from the cafe.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and Nathan's grandma opened it. "Oh, Whitey." Allie's eyes went wide and she looked at Keith, who was holding in his laughter. Her eyes moved to Nathan who only awkwardly smiled, "Glad you came?" She laughed softly, "Yeah."


The dinner was going well until Royal had brought up basketball. "Nathan, what are you averaging these days?" Allie could feel Nathan tense up and reached over to hold his hand under the table, which he squeezed. "Uh, why don't you ask the old man." Nathan awkwardly said and squeezed Allie's hand again.

Royal once again went on about Dan's basketball career and how his knee injury ended it. "How are your knees?" He asked Nathan. "No worries." Nathan said and took another bite of his food. "Um, he has great knees." Allie inputted to which the whole table laughed.

Royal then moved on to badgering Keith who excused himself to get another drink. "Well I should go check on that cake." May said, but Allie beat her to it. "Don't worry about it, Mrs. Scott. I'll go do that." Allie said and got up, she made eye contact with Nathan, "You wanna come help?" Nathan looked at her, "Yeah, great idea." He said and placed his hand in hers before walking off to the kitchen. 

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