Oh brother

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We were all standing out in the field. "Ready to get those cows?" My dad asked. I was glad to see him out and about. Not cooped up in the house all day. "Send in the dogs." Rip whistled and the dogs came running in stirring up the cows.

I followed Lloyd. We all were whooping and what not. I saw a rouge bull and went after it. I got my lasso around it and pulled it back to where the herd was. "That's one tough daughter you have there John," I heard Lloyd say. I cocked a smile.

"Yeah, she might be the one to put me in the grave," my dad replied.

We got the cows into the pen. I saw a drifter walk up to Kayce. Both Rip and I exchanged looks.

I was sitting at the table with Rip, lloyd, Avery, and the drifter. "So what's your name?" Avery asked

"Cowboy," he replied. We all chuckled.

"We all cowboys," Colby replied.

"You maybe. But the skinny guy over is far from it." He pointed at Jamie.

"What about me?" Ryan said standing up.

"Ryan sit your ass down," I said "everyone one here knows that I kick your ass twenty ways to Sunday when it comes to anything on this ranch."

"Ooh Lynn has called you out Ryan," Colby said.

"Now she," the Cowboy said pointing at me, "she is definitely a cowboy. I can see it in her eyes and how she handled her horse and the cattle today."

"Why thank you sir," I said. "Ryan I'm offering pointers if you're interested."

"Ah shut it L," he said sitting back down.

"Someone go to tell Elvis that supper is ready," Rip said getting up. He gave me a look of approval for handling Ryan. The cowboy got up and went to Walker.

"So Lynn," Avery asked, "how does it feel to be back home?"

"Very good. I missed this place while I was away."

"You know Avery," Lloyd began, "when L was about 5 or 6 I remember her roping her first bull. She was so proud. Of course I had to buy her first hat and rope."

"I still appreciate it Lloyd," I said smiling. "I'm still wearing the hat you got for me from high school."

"Speaking of which." Rip came back with a box. "Here's your welcome home/ college graduation gift." I opened the box and saw a brand new hat like Rips and a belt buckle. "The buckle was your mothers. Your dad wanted to give it to you but, he's been busy." I nodded. "I had it polished and everything."

"Thank you Lloyd." I said. I walked over and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I put my hat on. Everyone cheered.  We went back to eating. I saw Rip smile knowing he was the one who had Lloyd buy it for him.

"Well ain't you pretty miss Dutton," Ryan said. I rolled my eyes

"Dutton, as in owners daughter?" The cowboy asked

"Yeah I'm his youngest. Guess you can say I'm more into the family business than most willingly."

The rest of the day I spent with Rip. We were in the barns checking on horses. I told Rip that I'll meet him in the cabin.

I saw the hands getting into the pen. "What's going on Lloyd?" I asked walking up.

"Cowboy poker," he answered. "Let loose a bull and the last one to leave wins."

"I want in on this," I said climbing over the fence. I sat next to Avery. I drank from the bottle. I heard Lloyd call for the bull.

As the bull charged I stayed. The bull knocked over the table. I flew back and got up and started to run over to the fence. "Hell yeah L!" Ryan yelled.

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