Some truths

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Ch 13

*Flash back 20 years ago*

I was sitting at the table coloring. Jamie was told to watch me while our brothers were with our dad. I couldn't go because I was too young and dad didn't want to watch me.

"I need your help," Beth said. Jamie nodded and told me to get ready. I got in the back seat of the truck and we drove off.

We were at the reservation. I saw Jamie walk into a building and then walk back out. He told me to stay in the truck.

Beth and him went into the clinic. I ended up falling asleep reading.

"Do you think she knows?" I heard Beth ask

"Maybe? She's only 6 Beth," Jamie said.

"Know what?" I asked waking up. I saw them look at another.

"Take us to the park Jamie," Beth said.

We got to the park. I was playing for a bit and then Jamie called me over. He held out an ice cream and a new book that I wanted. "Lynn, do you know what just happened?" Jamie asked.

"Well, Beth had a baby, but now she doesn't?" I said eating my ice cream.

"Right," Jamie said, "you can't-"

"Don't tell anyone Lynn. Not dad, Lee, or Kayce," Beth said. I was always afraid of Beth. She would pick on me for no reason. Take my toys and break them.

"Is this why i have ice cream and a new book?" I asked looking at my older siblings.

"Yes," Beth said. I said okay and finished eating. They let me play at the park for a while longer. They even both played with me.

Back at home, I put my book in my room. I went outside and saw that Ryan was here. I saw Beth look at me.

From that day on, Beth was a bit nicer to me.

End of flash back

I woke up and went outside. I sat on the porch listening to the wildlife. "You okay L?" I heard Rip ask me.

"Yeah just a bad dream," I said

"You're still having those?" He sat down next me and pulled me into him.

"Yeah I am. Not as often though." He kissed the top of my head. "I'm going to go shower and head down to the barn."

"Okay Lynn." He gave me a squeeze and let me go. Once in the shower I felt better. It was just a dream.

I was riding with Rip, Colby, and Ryan. We saw a bunch of buffalo. "Think they wondered from the resort?" Ryan asked

"Not with this many fences," I said.

"Who are these sons of bitches?" Rip asked. We saw two guys on horses watching the buffalo. We rode closer. "Hey!" Rip yelled. The guys saw us and rode over. "The sporting club is running buffalo now?"

"The sporting club ain't running shit no more," the older of the two said.

"Well who's are those?"

"Don't matter as long as they ain't yours."

"You got permission to run those things here?" He made smart ass remark. I rolled my eyes. "I don't want my cattle to get brucellosis from those fucking things."

"Keep your cattle on the other side of the fence," the younger of the two said. The older guy looked vaguely familiar. Like I've seen him before but I can't place it.

"You ought to tell your boy to watch the base in his voice when he speaks to me," Rip said getting annoyed. I could tell just by the way he was talking. I looked to Ryan. He knew the "we better be ready to fight look".

"Boy?" The young guy said getting off his horse. He jumped over the fence and Rip got off his horse. Rip landed a solid punch to the guy and he stumbled back into the fence. I tried really hard to hold my laughter in. Colby jumped off his horse to hold onto Rips. Rip sent the kid back over the fence.

"Hey! I'll blow your shit for brains now," the old guy said pulling a gun out.

"Not if I do it first," I said pulling my rifle out and aiming it at the guy.

"Well I didn't recognize you there Lynn. How's your daddy doing? You don't remember who I am?" He asked me. I didn't move ready to pull the trigger. "Don't blame you, it was years ago. You even have his scowl."

"Reserve agent, livestock association!" Ryan yelled getting off his horse and pull his badge and gun out. "I'll shoot you where you stand!"

"Dutton is still running that scam?" The guy asked.

"We don't know you," Rip said.

"You wouldn't but your boss does. Tell 'em wade marrow said hello. We'll see each other soon," wade said

"You're better hope I don't see you again."

"Next time fight me fair."

"I'll fight you fair now. Get your ass off that horse."

"Let's save that for a rainy day." I saw wade smirk.

"I need proof that those are brucellosis free," Ryan said still pointing the gun at wade.

"If your man enough come and get it," wade said before leaving. I put my gun away. Colby mentioned that the buffalo are going to tear the fence down. Rip said that we will keep an eye on it.

I slowly remember who wade was. He used to work for my dad. I don't remember much of him. I do remember he was a creep towards Beth. My brothers never left me alone with him.

The next day we were moving a bunch of horses. It was going too easy. We managed to get all the mares and colts into a big pen. It was fun. My dad had a big shit eating grin on his face. We loaded the horses into trailers and took them to auction. Kayce got 1600$ from the horses. That should help the family out.

Rip walked into the bunk house. He saw me dancing with a bottle. He smiled and shook his head. He pulled me into a kiss and we started to dance and drink with the hands. It was nice having jimmy back. Introduced myself to his girlfriend Mia. She was taken aback that I was Johns daughter. I just hope these two don't become a problem.

I was with my dad, Kayce, Rip, and the rest of the crew. We were going to push the cattle towards the new barn. We were instructed to not say a word to the two assholes from the other day. My dad told me to not be trigger happy.

Once home I was at the table drinking coffee while Beth was working. Jamie walked in. I rolled my eyes knowing a fight was going to start. I got up to leave but Beth told me to stay. Beth laid into Jamie.

Jamie brought up the time that he took Beth to get sterilized. That was a big mistake. I sighed. I got up and went outside to finish my coffee.

"I'm sorry L," she said apologizing.

"What for?" I asked

"Well it turns out those assassins were meant for me. You got caught in the mess with the beck brothers." I sighed.

"I guess we can call it me protecting the ranch."


"I've kept your secret about what Jamie did for 20 years Beth. I took the beating meant for you. I guess that's my punishment."

"L-" I cut off Beth.

"It doesn't matter Beth." I snapped. "It's over. I took my hit for the family. Im doing my part for the family." I got up. "I'm helping dad as much as possible with whatever he needs me to do. I'm not a politician like Jamie. Im not like you Beth. I guess in a way I'm the ranch version of you." I felt tears roll down. "When Kayce ran away to join the Navy, dad pushed me hard to be more like him. You guys had it easy. I was the one who was punished for all your mistakes!" I finally hit my breaking point. "Lee was the only one who gave a damn about me! Dad kept a closer eye on me than you." I pointed at her. I ran to the barns. I heard Beth call out to me but I ignored her. I punched one of the walls. "God damn it Lee," I hit the walls again with my fist, "I miss you so damn much."

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