The eye of the storm

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Ch 5

We were standing where Rip shot the bear with the sheriff. "This is a real shit show you have here John," the sheriff said. I rolled my eyes.

"I was standing right there at the tree 15 yards away, if that's not self defense then I don't know what is," Rip said annoyed.

"It's true dad!" I said, "I saw the whole thing."

"Yeah you helped him throw the bodies over too?" He asked

"No! Rip did throw the rope down to try and save them!" Rip was getting agitated.

"Calm your daughter and your boy down John." He said to my dad.

"Lynn, rip go wait for fish and game," my dad said. I sighed and left with Rip.

"This doesn't sit right with me Rip," I said once out of ear shot.

"I know," he said.

We reached the ranch. Saw the fish and game officer. "You two must be the ones who are leading me to the bear," she said.

"I guess so ma'am," rip said as politely as possible.

"Name is officer Skyles, not ma'am." She looked at me, "aren't you Johns youngest?"

"Yeah i am." I answered.

"Is that the rifle?" She asked Rip.

"Yes ma-officer skyles," he answered. She took the rifle and put it in the truck. She mounted her horse and we took off.

"Heard a lot of rumors about you mr wheeler. All bad ones."

"Some are true," answered smirking.

"Hey there's a horse fly on your horses rump," I said. "Rip can you swat it?"

"I prefer if you both stay in-front of me." She said and looked behind her. "Besides I see no-" The fly bit her horse and she took off losing her reigns. We both took off after her.

"Shit," Rip said. She was impaled on a post and her horse was tied up in some barb wire. "Lynn tend to her while I get the horse untangled."

"Am I going to die?" She asked as I was looking at her wound. Her wound missed some vital organs. However she needed to get out of here.

I looked at her. "No you better not. Otherwise we will be blamed for that too,"'I said. Rip got the horse free. "I need to get you up so we cut you free." She hesitated.
"You're going to have to trust us please."

Rip handed me the barb wire cutters. He lifted her up and I cut her free from the wire. Rip called for the helicopter and they took her to the hospital.

"She going to make it?" Dad asked as we approached the house.

"Yes she is," I said taking a seat next to my dad on the ground. We saw a car pull up.

"Wonder which disappointment this is," my dad said getting up. It was Jamie. This should be fun. "Where the hell have you been?"

"I've been campaigning," Jamie said.

"You should have been here, helping." Dad pushed Jamie. They both exchanged words about who was the bigger disappointment or problem.

"Oh now you roped Lynn into the family business?" Jamie said pointing at me.

"You don't know what I've been through Jamie." I said getting up.

"Oh you didn't learn your lesson by going to school? That it was Dads idea to send you in hopes you wouldn't turn out like him?"

"I already buried that hatchet, Jamie. I'm glad im doing more for the ranch now." Jamie slapped me.

"I knew we should have sent you to a school further away and forced you stay there."

"Dad suggested to keep you close. Now look at you, following Rip around like a love sick puppy and doing whatever he tells you." I punched him square in the jaw.

"You don't know shit Jamie. You're never here. I know more about this ranch than you. Beth is being helpful unlike you." Jamie went through a punch at me but I blocked it and threw him over my shoulder and onto the ground.

"Lynn stop, I'll handle this," dad said pulling me back. "Listen Jamie until you start helping this family, I don't want you here."

"All I've done is help this family!" Dad snapped and punched Jamie in the ribs. He tackled him to the ground and started punching him. Rip pulled my dad off of him and sent Jamie on his way back to his car. Dad went inside to cool off.

Rip and walked to his cabin. It's been a hell of a day. He had his arm wrapped around my waist. We saw Walker waiting. "Can I talk to you alone Rip?" He asked.

"Sure," he said. I looked at him and nodded. I went and showered and got ready for bed.

Rip came up about 20 minutes later. "We are going to have to watch Walker," he said climbing into bed next me.

The next day we went back up to the bear. "Told you it was self defense," rip said looking at the sheriff. I rolled my eyes.

I herd my dad yell at the sheriff. Sounds like my dad.

Back at the ranch we were practicing roping cattle. I was partnered with Lloyd. I got cows horns and Lloyd its legs. We had the cow roped in under a minute. "I swear you cheat Lynn," Jake said

"Nah you just suck ass," I said laughing. Jimmy managed to be stupid again. I laughed.

"Lynn, Lloyd," Rip called us over. "We have a target. Dan Jenkins. Don't know when we are going to go, just be ready." Lloyd and I nodded. I saw Walker look at us.

Beth informed me that I have part of dads trust. I was then invited to go watch her take Jamie's cards and car away. I was happy to see Jamie lose his family in one swipe. He deserves it.

Beth was telling dad what kind of lawyers he will need. Rip walked in. "Can it wait?" Beth said

"Beth, can you give us a moment?" Dad asked. Beth huffed and started to leave. I got up as well. "Stay Lynn."

Rip told us that Rainwater was going to build a casino right on the property line with Dan Jenkins. Dad told us that we needed to strike soon. I nodded and left with Rip. Beth tried to stop us but I told her it was a need to know only and not to worry.

I was in the bunk house playing cards with the guys and the new hand Avery. She was a nice girl. In walks Kayce. I got up and walked over to him.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," he replied.

"I'm sorry about what happened to Monica." I paused. "Did she get the flowers?"

"Yes she did, thank you." I smiled.

"Look Kayce, why don't we start over? Put all the bullshit that happened in our childhood behind us."

"Agreed." He got off the top bunk and gave me a hug. We sat around talking for a bit and enjoying ourselves. I took off to the cabin and i told him Kayce is back. Tomorrow it's a go.

Lloyd whistled. I was by one of the trucks. I shoved Dan into one and got in the other with Kayce.

"Look at him and her," rip said. "They have to know what they are up against."

"That truck that ran my dad off the road was that intentional?" I asked holding back.

"It was an unexpected opportunity," dad said. "You Dutton girls are pieces of work you know that."

"Well, yes, yes I do," I said smirking.

We heard what Dan had to say. Kayce kicked the horse and caused Dan to hang.

Later I was enjoying dinner with the boys in the bunkhouse. Rip and I were sitting next to each other. He gave me a kiss and whispered that he loves me. I smiled. I was happy. However I knew shit was just starting.

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