Field of dreams

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We were moving the cattle to pasture 9. Even if Kayce is Forman, the guys will always do what Rip tells him. I was riding drag with Lloyd.

"I don't like this Lloyd," I said.

"I know L I don't either," Lloyd said we split up and stopped a gap from forming. "Also, how are things with you and Rip?"

"How did you know?" I blushed.

"Lynn I'm old. I've known you for your whole lifetime. I can tell when you're in love. He's smitten by you Lynn. There's nothing that man won't do for you." He was right Rip would do anything for me. I chuckled.

"Just don't tell my dad okay?" Lloyd laughed.

"I won't sweetheart."

The next morning I woke up to find Rip feeding horses. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"It's my job," Rip said.

"I wish you didn't have to let Kayce win."

"Well it's what your dad wanted."

"I wish you did beat him so bad he would have left."

"That wouldn't do any good and you know L."

"Yeah I know." I paused. "You know this is where I first met you. I was feeding horses and you were being shown around by Dad."

"Yeah I know." He smiled. He gave me a quick kiss and took off feeding the rest of the animals.

I spent the day tending to horses. I always found peace working with animals. I saddled a new colt we just got. " you're going to break that youngster Lynn?" I heard Lloyd ask me

"Yes I am," I said leading the horse out to the pen.

"You always had a way with breaking horses pretty quickly."

"I know I do. Dad had always let me do it."

"Jimmy!" Lloyd yelled. "I need you to watch Lynn and do whatever she says."

"What exactly do i need to do?"

"Nothing Jimmy," I said. "Just keep an eye on me." I mounted. "Also time me."

Eating dinner with my family is an experience. "How was your day Beth," my dad asked.

"Sobriety is bliss daddy." Beth said.

"You Kayce?" Dad asked him.

"When I have a good day I'll let you know." He said.

"What about you Lynn?" My dad asked me

"Well, I broke that new colt in under an hour," I said taking a bite of the octopus. "This is pretty good, thank you Beth." Beth smiled and Kayce rolled his eyes.

Jamie walked in. We all stopped. "I withdrew from the race," he said. I looked at my dad and back at Jamie. Kayce looked at me and I shrugged.

Jamie sat down and joined us. Beth and I made him a plate.

"What Beth?" I asked. Dad got up and left.

"I think dad is finally happy," I said shaking my head. Dinner was peaceful for once. Jamie actually took an interest in my life. Kayce was impressed on how well I can handle new colts. We were an actual family for once.

The next day I was out with Rip, Jimmy, and Kayce. We were looking for breaks in the fence. I saw the cow and took off to rope it.

"He's bloated," I said. I stabbed it and expelled the gas. I cleaned it with the wound dust. Jimmy was asking stupid questions per the norm. We walked over and saw a few hundred cows dead. I walked down and saw what the cows were eating. Clover. That will kill a whole farm in days.

"This is a damn crime scene," dad said. "Everyone walk away. Ryan you're no longer a reserve agent. Find a way cover this area."

"Kayce, now is not the time to talk about the fights I'm in. This is the only fight I'm in."

"Any idea who would do this?" Kayce asked.

"I know exactly who did it and we got to prove it." Dad took off.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Kayce.

"What would you do?" He asked.

"Not rest till I found the person responsible," I said looking at Kayce.

"That's exactly what we are going to do."

Jamie and dad were arguing about happened. "You can deputize my men. Starting with Kayce." The sheriffs left.
"Come here you three. We all know who did this. Now I need you find me the evidence." We nodded.

"What would you do about this Lynn?" My dad asked me after Lloyd told him how much cattle we lost.

"Burn the field. It will stop the clover from taking root." My dad nodded.We got the quads ready with water and axes.

I saw two guys in suits looking in the window. "Who is looking for John Dutton?" Rip asked running up on his horse.
A fight broke out between rip and two guys in suits. Rip got the upper hand and held one of the guys hostage. I charged in on my horse and knocked over the guy. Jamie came out screaming.

I saw dad, rip, and the Beck brothers walk away to talk. "I don't like this Kayce," I said to him.

"I agree with you for once Lynn," he said. After they left we went back to getting ready to burn the field.

We rode out on the quads. We got to the field and started to put gas on the field. "I hate this," I muttered.

"I know you do Lynn," Lloyd said to me.

My dad told us to light the field up. I stood next to my dad. Rip stood next to me. We watched as the field burned.

With the Beck brothers showing up conveniently after our cows died didn't sit right with me. Jamie coming home is unexpected. Knowing Jamie and Beth they will end up killing each other. At least they are helping with the legal side of things. Maybe things are going better than I think. Sure losing the field is a big hit. Our family is somewhat together.

I saw the flames spread we worked on maintaining it so it doesn't spread. I glanced at my dad. I just have a bad feeling that something is going to happen to one us soon.

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