The new brands

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Rip called for me and Kayce to follow him. Rip opened the door to the truck and we saw Walker in the truck. "I thought he was supposed to be dead?" I said in a hushed tone.

Kayce offered Walker his old job back. Walker had no choice but to accept.

Back at the bunk house I was checking on Teeter. There were no signs of an infection. I gave her some aspirin. I did tell Lloyd I need to put her on an antibiotic just in case. Lloyd made a phone call and told me that it will be here tomorrow. I gave Teeter some coffee to help her wake up. I had to do an exam on her. It was just to see if she had any broke bones. So far there was none. She thanked me.

Colby was pacing. He was upset that he couldn't protect her. I gave him a hug. I told him it will be okay. Also that we were coming up with a plan to get back at them. Rip was talking with Kayce and my dad. Colby asked me about what did Wade do to my dad. I told him that I didn't really know. He was on the ranch prior to me being born. My dad did feel uneasy with Beth and me around him though.

My dad walked in. We walked out. I told my dad what happened to Teeter and Colby. My dad told Rip to come up with a plan and to take that son of a bitch to the train station. My dad told me that Wade took something of his and he wants me to bring it back. Rip and I nodded.

Rip didn't need to tell me what I had to do. Before we left, Rip pulled me into the barn. He pushed me up against the wall. He cupped my face and kissed me deeply. He pulled back. "I'm sorry that we haven't had much time to be alone L," he said.

I smiled. I cupped his face. "I'm sorry are two words you never have to say me Rip," I said nuzzling his neck. I heard him laugh. He tilted my chin up again and kissed me. The kiss was heating up.

We heard a cough and looked to see Lloyd. He told us that everything was ready. We mounted our horses and took off to where we were going to in act our plan.

Walker was going to get their attention and run them towards us. We all had our horses laying down. We were petting them to keep them quiet. We saw them through the brush. We ran up behind them. Wade was yelling something. I had my rope ready and lassoed him to drag him through the brush.

I dragged Wades ass to a tree. I tossed it over a branch ready to hang him if needed. "I need a name," Rip said

"What name?" Wade said already struggling to breathe.

"I need the name of the mother fuckers who hired you. Im not going to ask you again. If I have to I'll start cutting shit off you." Wades eyes grew wide.

"The name is roak. Market equities." Wade paused. "Let me down you son of a bitch."

"No, im going to kill you. But before I do, im going to take something back. You don't deserve to wear this fucking brand." Rip ripped opened Wades shirt to reveal the brand. "Walker come here. This is your last chance. You prove yourself you have our trust. You turn your back on me now, im going to take something away from you too." He pointed where Walkers brand was.

Rip handed walker a knife. Lloyd rode up. "Mister I don't know you," Walker started, "but if you're wearing that brand that must mean you're a bad man. If these mother fuckers want it back, you must be worse. Karma comes in all shapes and sizes. Looks like today it's me." Walker cut his brand off. Justice. Ryan and Colby pulled the rope to hang wade.

"You all wanted revenge and you got it. But there's a price you got to pay for revenge.  Now you got to pay it." Rip said looking at Colby, teeter, and Ryan.

Later that night we all gathered to brand Colby, Jake, Ryan, and Teeter.

"Why are you here?" Colby asked.

"Because I've been branded for 8 years," I said pulling my shirt down to reveal my brand.

"What did you do?"

"I heard things and I killed Elton. My dad branded me. He did it so he can protect me and in return I will do what i have to protect the ranch and my family. That family extends to all who are branded." I saw teeter smile. "Bearing the brand is a symbol of trust. You become part of our family."

Colby, Jake, Ryan got branded. Teeter got hers. I quickly gave them burn cream. I explained how often to apply it and to come to me if it starts to bother them.

The next day came early. I was helping Beth get more comfortable riding again. She was making great progress in riding. I was proud of her. I saw rip giving orders to the hands. I saw him call Beth over. They talked for a while.

I know Rip loves me. Why was I getting upset that Beth and Rip were talking? I pushed really hard to get any thoughts of Rip and Beth together again. I took off. I needed to clear my head.

I was cleaning out my horses stall. I needed distractions. "Hey Lynn," I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw Teeter.

"What's up Teeter? Your brand bothering you? Your stitches?" I asked.

"I just wanted to say thank you. Since I've came here you been really nice to me and what not. I appreciate that. I have a hard time connecting to other women." She looked at me. I asked her if she wanted to go to town with. She nodded and I gave her a smile. She helped me finish cleaning out the rest of the stalls.

In town we had lunch together. As I we were driving I saw a driver in distress. I stopped the truck. I came out and helped the lady and her son change their flat. Teeter was with the kid off looking for the lug nuts. A blue van came by and asked if I was Lynn Dutton. I said yes and a gunman opened the back door and started to shoot at me. I was shot in the shoulder and they killed the lady. Teeter ran over to me asking if I was okay. I tried to pull my phone out but I dropped it.

"Call my dad..or Rip," I managed.

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