Chapter One - Where it all began

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10 years earlier in Jacksonville, Oregon

To say high-school is rough would be the understatement of the century. I watch as everyone around me is excelling and thriving , and then there's me. I don't fit in here, hell I don't even fit in at home either. My parents can't stand to be around me for more than five minutes at a time, school was supposed to be my escape... Instead here I am stuffed inside of a janitors closet with a mop bucket because Sarah thought she was doing the school a public service by "erasing me from everyone's sight." This quickly seems to have become my role in this school. The punching bag for all of the pretty mean girls. Every single day they try to break my spirit a little bit more, and if I'm being honest with myself, it's working.

As I pace back and forth in the janitors closet I felt a bit of panic creep its way into my chest. The sweat began to bead up around my brow while I tried to think of a way to get myself out of here. Suddenly I hear the lock click as it turns, I shut my eyes as I eagerly await to see Sarah's face again ready to torment me for the third time today. To my surprise all I hear is the sad gasp of someone and their cool hands grabbing my arm to bring me outside into the hallway.

My eyes shot open wide as my mind raced to figure out what was actually happening in this moment, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as I saw our janitor Mr. Hullworthy leading me out.

"Are you okay, Spencer?" He asked with a heavy sadness in his voice.

Am I okay? Not fucking really, I have a insane fear of being locked in a confined space in the dark.

"Yes Mr. Hullworthy, I-I'm fine. Thank you sir." I tried to reassure him with a soft smile.

"Run along now Spencer, your lunch period is almost over." He sighed.

All I could do was nod my head sheepishly before making my way back to the grand hall. As I rounded the corner I saw my best friends and instantly let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. I honestly don't think I would've survived high-school without the two of them. Stella and I have been friends since the fifth grade, we were seated next to each other in class on the first day, Stella decided right then and there that we were going to be the best of friends. She has the kind of confidence that I wish I had, she's the kind of person who will be in your corner no matter what. Then there's Anna. Anna has always been more shy and timid, but she is the sweetest girl I've ever met in my life. She's the kind of girl who could turn anyone's bad day around.

"Spence, where have you been? We've been looking for you?" The concern spread across her face almost made me feel worse. Realizing that I've never had the nerve to stand up for myself. I quickly choked down the feeling building in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh uhm I-I" I couldn't help but stutter as I thought about the janitors closet.

"What. Happened. Spencer." Stella's face was suddenly tight. A slow rage brewing in her eyes had my breath catching, there was no way I'd be able to lie about where I'd been. I sighed knowing that I had no choice but to tell them at this point.

"Sarah and Tiffany pushed me into the janitors closet and locked me in there at the beginning of lunch" As soon as the words left my tongue, my eyes found their way across the hall to Sarah and her friends. Glancing back at Stella and Anna before dropping my head towards the floor in defeat.

I knew this wasn't going to go well, and boy was I right. When I brought my eyes back up to look at Stella and Anna, all I saw was a concerned looking Anna and the back of Stella's ginger red shoulder braid as she made a bee line for Sarah. God I knew I shouldn't have said anything, with shaky hands I ran them through my hair and took a deep breathe.

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