Chapter Nine - Lights, Camera, Auction

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The evening of the charity auction came quickly after we found the perfect dress for me to wear. Nathan and I agreed to get ready together at the office so we could go over the details one more time.

Nathan emerged out of his office in a sleek back tuxedo, he wore a dark silver dress shirt to compliment the accenting silver I told him about on my dress. His dark hair was slicked back on the sides and tousled with volume on the top. He hadn't shaved yet so his jawline was covered in a perfect amount of 5 o'clock shadow that just made his features even more alluring. He looked like he just stepped out of a damn men's fashion magazine.

"Spencer we gotta get going or we're going to be late." He shouted at me through my closed door. I was already in my dress and heels but I couldn't bring myself to open the door yet.

"Just a minute!" I shouted back. With shaky hands I smoothed my long curly brown hair down my shoulders. Pushing the edges of my dress down one last time before I found my courage to open the damn door. I forced my legs to move as I slowly made my way over to Nathan. His eyes caught mine and his mouth hung there agape. His stare didn't make me feel any less nervous about wearing this outfit.

"I know, I look ridicu-" he cut me off by waving his hand in front of my face.

"No Spence, you look absolutely incredible." He smiled at me and I knew it was genuine. It was the kind of smile you could see in someone's eyes. I felt my cheeks heating up under his stare. I hated when people stared at me, it made me feel uneasy and embarrassed.

"Shall we?" He extended his elbow out to me and I placed my arm in the crook if it, linking arms with him. "Don't wait up!" He shouted over his shoulder to the office as we made our way out to the car. Much to my surprise there was a private car waiting out front for us. When we approached it the driver who was leaning up against the car tipped his hat towards us and opened the door for us to get in before closing it again behind us.

"A private driver?" I shot him a curious glance to which he raised his hands up in front of him in defense.

"It wasn't my idea, my old golfing buddy Dave thought it would look less suspicious if we arrived in a private unmarked car." I nodded.

The car ride over to the event was quiet, Nate didn't pressure me into making small talk which I appreciated. He and I were comfortable just to sit in silence with each other. The car came to a stop and the driver came around to the side of our door and opened it gesturing for us to step out. Nate stepped out first and leaned forward into the car offering me his hand.

"You ready?" He whispered with a small smile. With a single nod of my head I grabbed his hand and let him lead me out of the car. The driver tipped his hat to us once more and returned to the car to pull away. As we made our way down the rolled out red carpet I felt Nathan place my hand into the crook of his elbow again as he gave my hand a light reassuring squeeze.

The path we were walking down was packed with security guards and I noticed Agent Shaw amongst them blending in. It was roped off with soft velvet ropes keeping the paparazzi at bay. Bright flashing lights kept dancing across my face with every snap of a picture taken, we stopped and posed for a few photos before we continued making our way into Salvatorie's. The inside looked completely different than the pictures I've seen. It had elegant white clothed tables spread throughout the dance floor. A warm low lighting illuminating the inside, the floral arrangements throughout the club made this feel more like an actual event gala. Their were waiters dressed to the nines serving champagne and food to the guests. Behind them was an open bar with a bunch of important looking men surrounding it. The stage was decorated with white and blue balloons arches and there was an orchestra playing up on the stage. Beautiful music filled the room that was buzzing with elite socialists. Nathan leaned in and whispered in my ear before letting go of my arm and wandering off to the open bar to start chatting with some of the other gentleman here tonight.

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