Chapter Nineteen - Gotcha

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"No. No, you're wrong." Sierra deadpanned, running her hands through her hair to fix her now disheveled appearance. "Your evidence is wrong. You simply made a mistake."

I knew this wasn't going to be easy, every single thing inside me told me not tell her, but how could I not? She was going to find out sooner or later and if I knew one thing, it was that it's much better coming from me than any sleazy media outlet out there spinning the story to meet their own agenda.

"I didn't make a mistake Sierra. I just followed the evidence and this is where it led me." I gently tried to argue my defense. It was obvious that she was pretty volatile at this point and I didn't want to push her too hard.

"Maybe the paperwork you saw was fake? Or maybe someone is trying to frame my dad now too!" Her calm demeanor was fading out as she was grasping for straws to make sense of this new problem I just dropped into her lap. Getting up from my spot on the couch I made my way over to where she was standing by the mantle. Her blue eyes refusing to meet my own, glancing anywhere else she could.

"Sierra." I took her hand in mine, forcing her to finally look into my eyes. "I think we both know thats not the case here." I said gently, trying desperately to appeal to her rational and logical side.


Her blue eyes darkened to a stormy gray color as she ripped her hand out of my own as if my hand was burning hers.

"This is your fault! You messed everything up!" She yelled, much to my surprise. I did my best to keep the hurt off of my face at her harsh words. I knew she didn't mean them and that she was angry and lashing out at me because she herself was hurting, but it didn't make swallowing down her words any easier.

"Sierra-" I tried to speak again before she abruptly cut me off.

"No Spencer, ever since you came back into town everything has been falling apart and going to hell. My life has gotten so much fucking harder since you've been back!" She shouted between angry tears sliding down her rosy cheeks.

That was my tipping point, I could feel the heat rising to my checks and my chest felt heavy with hurt and anger.

"You think it's just your life thats gotten harder?" I scoffed in anger. "Ever since I've been back here I've had one shitty thing after another happen to me! I've been threatened, I've been stalked, I've been freaking shot because I was trying to save you. You're welcome for that by the way. Let's see what else?" I shouted bringing my index finger up to my bottom lip and tapping it rhythmically while I kept going down the list. "I've been attacked and almost killed in a public bathroom and oh yeah I almost had my fucking head blown off not even six hours ago!" I yelled back. My hands were trembling with anger. "And lets not forget the cherry on top, I've got a crazy freaking ex girlfriend who followed me here, whose apparently hell bent on getting me back, but yeah, your life has gotten so much harder." I finally finished, rolling my eyes in the process.

My cherry on top just seemed to anger Sierra even more as her face scrunched up in disgust at the mention of Alison. "And why is she so hell bent on getting you back? Hmm? Why hasn't she gotten the hint yet Spencer?" Sierra's tone was like a slap to my face, insinuating that I hadn't made myself clear with what I wanted or didn't want with Alison.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? You're gonna act jealous right now? After just telling me that I've basically ruined your life, now you're gonna pull the jealous girlfriend card? I swear to god I don't even know why I'm attracted to women, because I will never understand you women!" I chuckled in disbelief and irritation.

"I am not jealous!" Sierra defended.

"Right, and Nathan and Stella aren't totally in love with each other." I mumbled, dramatically rolling my eyes.

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