Chapter Two - Sucker Punched

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Present day -

Fluorescent lights, that's all I could see looking up from the floor, my jaw burning as I recall the hard right hook I just took. My eyes still shaking from the blow, I tried hard to swallow down the pain as I see him rushing towards me with his fist clenched and a cocky smirk on his stupid face. I knew if I wanted to get the upper hand that I was going to have to do something, and quick.

I tucked my hands underneath my hips as he rushed me, pushing off the ground I swung my legs up and around his neck, tightening my core I rotated my hips and flung him upside down to the side. His large body dropped with an aggressively loud thud. Satisfied with his hard landing I rolled on top of him, holding a knife a couple inches away from his neck, I couldn't help but flash a cocky grin. To say I wasn't feeling like a total badass in the moment, well, that would just be a flat out lie.

"Bring the blade a little higher and you can trim my 5 o'clock shadow for me." His breathy laugh pushed the little strands of my hair out of my face. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his confidence he still had. Bringing my knee up, I jammed it into his lower abdomen, a small yelp escaping his lips as I pushed down harder.

"You thought you had me this time, huh?" I let out a laugh that was a little louder than I wanted it to be. I rolled off of him with a smile and offered him my hand to help him off the training mat. He took my hand and with one swift tug he pulled me flat on my face.

His laugh filled the entire training room, very satisfied with his antics, he leaned back on his hands supporting himself upright. He flashed me a boyish grin as I pulled my face off of the ground, bringing my body's position to match his.

"Nate you are such a dick!" I growled at him through gritted teeth.

He threw his head back, a big wolfy grin crossing his lips. "Oh come on now Spence, I couldn't let you hurt my ego like that." The smugness on his face even more irritating than before.

"You're lucky we're partners Nate, because if we weren't, I may just shoot you."

"You wouldn't dare!" He spat. The raised eyebrow and smirk on my face must've gotten my point across because before I could say another word he was up and on his feet. "Anyways..." His voice sounded as if he was still contemplating if I'd really shoot him or not. "Thanks for the workout Beckett! I really needed to blow off some steam after our last little recon assignment." The sound of his neck popping filled the silence as I watched him stretch his muscles after our little sparring session.

I nodded, "I always hate being cooped up in the van too, so don't mention it." I shrugged my shoulders as we made our way to our towels and bottled waters. My muscles already feeling the subtle ache setting in.

Nathan took his training tank top off to wipe himself down before changing back into his clothes. I couldn't help but stare at him standing in front of me. His dark black hair was dripping with sweat, he had beautiful green eyes, they were dark like the forest. His well defined jawline was clenched as he ran the towel through his hair. I continued to look down at his torso, he was very muscular, it was apparent that he worked out regularly from his build. My eyes lingered on his abdominal muscles, he had a very sharp defining six pack. I'm sure thats all most girls saw when they looked, but when I looked, all I could see was the scar he had hidden within his abdominal muscles.

I tightly closed my eyes as I remember how he got that scar. We were investigating a double homicide in D.C. We were finally closing in on the bastard too, when out of nowhere Nate shoved me out of the way onto the ground. The gun shot kept ringing in my ears as I watched our perpetrator speed away in a car, I looked back at Nate who was on the ground fighting to stay awake in and out of  consciousness. I remember it like yesterday, the sounds of the sirens that approached as I held pressure to his wound, reassuring him again and again that he would be fine, that this wound was nothing and he would be fine. I'll never forget the fear I felt in my heart as I watched my partners eyes close and drift off into unconsciousness.

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