Chapter Seven - No Going Back Now

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I awoke in the early hours of the morning, a small throw blanket spread across my body. I gripped the blanket to my chest as I stood and stretched my aching bones to life. Sleeping on the floor was obviously not the best idea I've ever had. Flashes of last night went through my head, my cheeks turning a crimson red at the memory of Sierra's hands eagerly roaming my body. My clothes were folded neatly on the couch with a simple note on top of them. Kitchen.

I dropped the throw blanket off my shoulders feeling it pool around at my feet. Grabbing my panties and trousers, I slid them on. I clasped my bra around my back and lifted my blazer off the couch. My blouse is missing. The smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon filled the air and if on cue my stomach began to growl. Not wasting another moment on the missing blouse, I pulled my blazer on over my bra letting it hang open and made my way to the kitchen.

Sierra was standing at the stove finishing the breakfast she was preparing. Her long toned legs flexing as she stood on her tip toes to reach into the cupboard above her head. It was adorable watching her struggle to reach the extra coffee cups, listening to the grumbles she was letting out under her breath at her failed attempt to reach. I couldn't help the low chuckle I let out. My presence must've startled her by the sound of the little gasp that left her voice as she turned around bringing her hand over hear chest.

"Let me." I breathed out between laughs. Reaching above her and grabbing the extra coffee cup.

"I could've gotten it!" Her voice was stern but playful. As I handed her the cup I couldn't help but notice how cute she looked in the morning with her blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun, a few stray strands of hair falling down around her cheekbones. My eyes slowly traced down her body until they landed on the shirt she was wearing. It was my missing blouse, in fact she was only wearing my blouse.

"That's mine." I raised a brow tilting my head in her direction. Her cheeks starting to swell with pink as she looked down at my blouse she was wearing.

"In my defense, you ripped my shirt last night." Her lips turning upward in a sly smile. "But if you want it back-" her voice began to trail off as she brought her slender fingers up to the buttons of my blouse and slowly began to unbutton them. She knew exactly what she was doing with each painfully slow movement she made, slowly working the buttons open. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep the little moan that was building up inside of me.

"Keep it, it looks better on you anyways." I laughed as her fingers quickly re-buttoned the blouse.

"I wasn't actually going to give it back to you anyways." Her heart shaped lips twitched into a devious smile and my heart almost jumped out of my chest at her challenging tone.

"Oh really now?" I purred into her ear, placing small wet kisses on her exposed neck. "You know, you were a lot more submissive last night." I teased, gently nibbling the sweet spot beneath her ear. A soft lustful moan escaping her body when my tongue traced circles on her skin.

"I uh, it uhm..I'm not submissive." she struggled for words as her head fell back allowing me better access to her neck.

"Seems like someone is submitting right now." I purred against her skin, slowly moving down to her collarbone.

"I know what you're doing." She gasped. "You're trying to fuck me into submission!" I hummed aloud at her revelation scooping her up in my arms and carrying her bridal style back to the living room.


It had been nearly a week since my night with Sierra. We haven't seen much of each other since then due to our conflicting work schedules, however we have talked on the phone when we can. I'm still not certain what this means for us or what we are to each other for that matter but neither one of us are questioning it. Nathan quickly caught on to the fact that I had finally gotten laid.

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