Chapter Twenty-Two - I Will Find You

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Sierra's POV

Arriving to a quiet house last night I knew that Spencer wasn't home yet, giving me plenty of time to put away my work things and take a shower. Washing away every ounce of stress from my day down the drain, I sighed contently as I sat down on the couch, glancing to the left something had caught my eye. Spencer had left me a note, letting me know she would be fully throwing herself into her work today leaving me home by myself for the rest of the night. The promise of breakfast in bed elicited a small smile from my lips, Spencer had never brought me breakfast in bed before and the thought alone had me smiling like a fool.

I made a point to send her a text letting her know not to work too hard and that I missed her and couldn't wait to see her in the morning. Tucking my phone away for the night, I let my dreams sweep me away. The next morning arrived in the blink of an eye, glancing at the clock it read 8:43am on my nightstand. I sat up and comfortably laid back against the headboard as I waited for Spencer to come barging into the room with our breakfast, but she never did. An hour had gone by and I hadn't heard a single noise come from the house.

Getting up and throwing on a pair of slippers and my robe I wandered aimlessly throughout the house looking for Spencer. Realizing she wasn't home yet I felt a twinge of disappointment in my gut. Knowing Spencer, she probably has gotten so wrapped up into this case that she's completely lost track of time. I understood on a certain level but at the same time, I hated how disappointed and hurt I felt over her forgetting and missing our breakfast date plans. I immediately reached for my phone to call her and give her a piece of my mind but I stopped myself before I ever clicked call. "This is bigger than your petty wants Sierra." I mumbled aloud, reminding myself that Spencer's job wasn't some silly little day job. What she did was impactful and effected the lives of others. Letting it all roll off my shoulders with a deep sigh, I continued on with my day.

Another four hours had passed and I still hadn't heard from Spencer and it was starting to get on my nerves a little more and more with each passing hour. My short temper was starting to get the best of me, grabbing my keys I headed out to where Spencer worked to go and ask her if she was planning on wrapping up her work at some point today and remind her of our plans that she bailed on.

The entire drive there I was practicing what I was going to say to her when I saw her, determined to get it all out and in the open. When I arrived I got a few small friendly greetings as I made a beeline for Spencer's office. Knocking on the door loudly, I waited for an answer. After a few moments of silence I knocked again, getting the same response, silence. I cracked her door open to peek my head into her office and found it completely empty and unstirred, it had looked like she hadn't been here all night.

"Sierra?" Nathan's soft voice came from behind me, making me spin on my heels to come face to face with his warm smile.

"Nathan, you scared me!" I laughed, removing my hand from over my chest. The little adrenaline rush from the fright had dissipated.

"My apologies." He smiled warmly and pulled me into a one armed side hug. "What are you doing here?" He questioned as he unwrapped his arm from my waist and gave my hand a small squeeze.

Nathan was a solid man, his exterior was firm and often perceived as hard to those who didn't know him very well, but if you were one of the fortunate ones like myself, you'd see that he was the sweetest man out there. His devotion to those around him is unmatched, it didn't take him long to make me feel like I was someone who mattered to him, a friend.

"Ohh uhm.." his question made me quickly realize that I was here to scold Spencer for not coming home this morning and bailing on our plans. The realization made me feel a little sheepish as my cheeks began to heat up at how ridiculous I was actually behaving.

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